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chapter one - beach or nah?
pairing : Tim Klitz x Fem!Reader
word count : 802
warnings : swearing, mentions of sex, deez nuts joke (i apologise), use of the 'f' slur
a/n : if you don't like the outfit i described, you can look up for some on pinterest :)


"Do you have the fever?" Matt turned to Klitz, quoting the banner that hung above their heads.

Klitz hummed in thought then turned to his friend. "No, why do you?"

"I don't know, maybe. What about you?" Matt turned to Eli who was looking straight ahead.

"I just gotta fuck something." Eli said breathlessly. Klitz shook his head and pulled a look of disgust.

"Guys!" Sorry, excuse me, excuse-sorry-" Behind the trio, your voice could be heard. You tried not to be so loud incase it annoyed people. Matt and Eli almost never heard you when you tried to get their attention, but Klitz could always hear your sweet voice.

"Guys, Y/n's here." Klitz lightly nudged Matt as they all turned around to look at you. His mouth went agape as he took in your appearance.

Half of your l/h was tied up neatly, decorated with a small white bow. You wore a white cardigan that wasn't buttoned up. Underneath that was a baby pink tube top. You wore a short skirt that was a shade darker from your top. On your feet were a pair of light pink socks and some white sneakers and you held a white Kånken bag which had a gold keychain on the zipper. For accessories, you wore a pair of pearl earrings, a pearl necklace, and few gold rings. Your makeup was light, everything matched, from your light brown eyeshadow to your clear lip gloss.

Klitz thought all of your outfits were cute and made you look beautiful, this one was no exception.

"Hey Y/n!" A bunch of hey's and hellos were shared amongst the four.


"I said, everybody say 'Ho!'" One of the jocks shouted to everyone on the bleachers. The head was hosting an assembly to make a few announcements.

Everyone jumped up and cheered, mostly the jocks.

"You know what I say? I say, this prom's gonna be off the hook! You feel me?" Everyone got up and cheered again. The jock looked towards the Principle then back at the crowd. "Security's gonna be tight. Get wasted before you show up!"

"That's enough! I can wait," The teacher tried to shush the rowdy audience. "I can wait, people." Everyone in the audience finally quietened down, giving the Principle time to speak.

"Now, it is your student-council president who has a few announcements to make."

A few people in the crowd clapped, including you, Klitz and Eli. "Thanks Mr Salinger," Matt said, taking the mic from him. "All right, how you doing?" There was an awkward silence, and Matt cleared his throat. "Okay, lets start off with Operation Get Samyung."

"Samyung baby!" One of the weirdo's sat near the blue jacket-wearing jocks shouted, everyone cheering after.

"Yeah," Matt tried not to seem awkward, it was painfully obvious to you three. "Well, we did it. We raised the twenty five thousand dollars, so now we can bring the genius Samyung out of Cambodia and bring him here to study at Westport."

You and Klitz sat listening to Matt intently, Eli slightly clapped for him and a few others did.

"Speaking of which, Samyung sent us a new tape."

One of the most popular boys in the school jumped up and shouted, "Show that shit!" Everyone automatically started cheering after. "Show it!"

You were honestly beginning to think these fuckers only shared one brain cell.


"How do they just skip class everyday and go to the beach?" Klitz asked as you four watched a bunch of students leave the building and get in their cars.

"Because they just don't care." Matt answered with a sigh. "Let's go with them."

You, Klitz and Eli gave Matt a funny look. Matt would never skip a class, no matter how much he hated it. The action would ruin his reputation and give him a bad look.

"Seriously, let's just do it."

"Why?" You and Klitz asked in synchronisation. Klitz looked away with a light blush on his cheek.

"Because, I mean, we never do anything. I mean, we're graduating, we should be going nuts right now. Let's just do something."

Deez nuts

"I am doing something, I'm going to class." Klitz argued.

You nodded along with him. "Klitzy needs his grades," You gently placed your hand on Klitz's arm, causing the blush on his face to turn darker and spread to the tips of his ears. "And besides, sand is horrible, it's messy and gets everywhere."

"Klitz, you already got into Yale. I mean, it doesn't matter anymore."

"Yeah, Klitz you pussy." Eli added on.

"Well, why don't you go?"

"Yeah, come on. Let's go."

"Beach is for fags man." You rolled your eyes at Eli's use of the 'f' slur. He knew you hated the word, yet he kept saying it anyway.

"The beach is for fags?" "Yeah." "You know what? You guys are fags." Matt said then began walking away.

Eli followed him, going to his next class.

You sighed and grabbed Klitz's arm. "Come on Klitzy, let's just skip in the toilets."

end of chapter one.

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