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chapter two - "I know you didn't hire a fucking escort."
pairing : Tim Klitz x Fem!Reader
word count : 631
warnings : mentions of sex, swearing


"'Good night?' What are you, gay? I would've nailed her!"" Eli exclaimed, astounded whilst Klitz kept smacking him with the metal fencing sword.

You and Matt usually had a free period when Eli and Klitz had fencing, so you always spent it with them. On the way, Matt usually teased you about Klitz. He had just finished telling you three about the girl who just moved next door to him.

She had blonde hair and bright blue eyes as he described her. And that she made him run down the street naked.

"Okay, first of all, you wouldn't have nailed her." Matt replied.

"Yep, highly doubt that." you raised your hand.

"Whatever dude,"

"And you know, secondly-"

Klitz lifted his helmet and started swinging the sword across Eli's legs and waist to get his attention.

"-you know, the vibe wasn't right."

"The vibe wasn't right? She comes to your house and makes you strip, what does she have to do, sit on your face?" Eli had had enough and pulled his mask down. "Come on bitch!"

You hadn't noticed Matt turning around in thought because you were too busy watching Eli smack Klitz in the dick and then rushing to help him up.

"Are you okay? Dude?"


As you and Klitz walked down the halls, he told you about how Matt just got up and left the class. he assumed the girl next door was waiting outside for him.

"He is so whipped, it's embarrassing." Klitz exclaimed, you laughing along with him.

"Hey. do you wanna come to mine after school? My mom won't mind." A blush crept onto your cheeks as you fiddled nervously with your fingers.

"Sure! What time?" Klitz gripped onto the straps of his backpack tightly.

"I was thinking straight after? If that's fine with you."



Eli had somehow heard about your plans with Klitz and decided to make you both hang out with him at his house.

"Dude, we're kind of uncomfortable watching this with you."

You three had managed to squish onto Eli's small couch. Eli on one end, Klitz in the middle, and you at the other end. Eli had put on what he called his 'most extravagant' adult movies.

Eli rolled his eyes and shushed him. "Dude, learn to like it." He then placed his hand on Klitz's thigh, him slapping Eli's hand with his face scrunched.

You watched the interaction, rolling your eyes. Eli would say that every time any of you would complain about his porn obsession. You were about to lift your hand and place it on Klitz's thigh to get a reaction out of him, but the door bell rang and they both got up to answer it.

"I'm all wet, can I come in?"

An extremely pretty girl stood on the door step. She was drenched with water.

Eli's mouth hung open, he let out a sound, almost like a strangled moan. Klitz stepped into the doorway, looking between the girl and Eli. You followed after him, doing the same.

"Eli, I swear to god I know you didn't hire a fucking escort." You exclaimed shaking your head.

"I didn't! I swear on my moms life!" Eli tried to argue his case, but the sound of the girl laughing cut you both off.

You three watched as Matt came round the corner laughing with her.

"Hey guys, this is Danielle." Matt introduced the pretty girl to you all.

"You must be Eli, Klitz and Y/n." 'Danielle' smiled at you all. You gave her a smile back.

Hopefully she's nice enough, you thought. It would be nice to have another girl around to gossip with.

"Hey, come on, we're all going out."

"Can I use your bathroom first?" Danielle asked politely.

"Oh, it's over here to the left." Eli instructed her. "Dude." He said when she had gone.

"I know."

"Dude." Klitz said in the same hushed tone.

"I know."

"How the fuck did you score that?" You asked, stunned.

"I don't know." Matt exclaimed.

end of chapter two.

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