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chapter eight - Prom night.
pairing : Tim Klitz x Fem!Reader
word count : 2k
warnings : swearing, cringey confessions
a/n : this is the last chapter oml! i hope you enjoyed reading this piece of shitty fanfiction, and i'm sorry i'm bad at writing endings.


    The plan was done and ready to go. You just needed to get yourself a dress and hope that Klitz asks you to prom.

The boys had some free time, so they were out somewhere. You decided to go to Danielle's and ask her if she would go with you to buy a prom dress.

You knocked on the door and waited patiently. You heard a faint "Coming!" and footsteps from behind the wood. She opened the door.

"Oh, hi Y/n, didn't expect to see you here." Danielle gave you a kind smile and gestured you to come into the house.

You stepped in awkwardly and followed her into the living room, clutching your mini purple bag tightly.

"So, what's up?" She asked you as she sat on the couch.

"You wouldn't be interested in helping me buy a prom dress, would you?" You saw her eyes light up in excitement.

"Just let me get my jacket."


You had tried on multiple dresses, each one being a size too big, too small, or a colour you didn't like.

"So, who do you plan on going with?" She asked as she tied the back for you.

"Well, a certain someone hasn't asked me out yet or made a move on me." You said as you half playfully rolled your eyes, noticing Danielle smirk through the mirror.

"And who's this 'certain someone'?"

You sighed as blush crept onto your cheeks. "Guess."

"Is it someone out of the little circle you've all got going on?"

You nodded. It wasn't that hard to guess as you constantly made moves on him.


"You can't be serious." You both chuckled.


Danielle took your lack of response as a yes. "Klitz?!" She exclaimed, looking even more excited than she did when you two hopped into her car. You nodded sheepishly.

She had finished tying the back of your dress and stepped back so you could both get a better look.


You two stared at your figure in the mirror, admiring the dresses design.

At the front, it was like a corset, decorated with lace and white floral patterns. It had puffy sleeves and the skirt was just above your toes. It was the perfect dress for you.

"This dress looks amazing on you, you should definately get this one."

You nodded your head in agreement.


Eli walked up the porch of Danielle's house, Klitz, Eli and camera people following behind.

"All right, minions, over here." Eli pointed the direction he wanted them to go.

Klitz wished Matt good luck and went to stand next to Eli.

The crew recorded Matt ringing the door bell and switched the focus to Kliz and Eli. Klitz fiddled nervously with his fingers, his lanky figure shifting awkwardly. Eli told them to relax as they were getting too close. "You know what? Go wait in the car. Go."

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