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chapter four - Who the fuck is this guy?
pairing : Tim Klitz x Fem!Reader
word count : 1k
warnings : swearing, mentions of sex


    It was just a normal peaceful day, with you and Klitz talking about the whole Matt kissing thing and you sneakily dropping hints. All of a sudden you heard a familiar voice shouting some very obscene words.

"Goddamn it Matt, I swear to god! If you don't fuck her, I'll kill myself!"

Everyone including you and Klitz turned around and stared at the two, watching Matt roll his eyes and try to ignore Eli.

"Matt, please! Please Matt! Fuck her for me! For me!"

"What the actual-"

"I know."


"Look, I don't know if I can do this."

You four were currently sat in Matt's bedroom, going over Eli's plan. You thought it was stupid and objective, Eli clearly didn't know how girls worked.

"Yes you can." The plan was for Matt to drive Danielle to a hotel and 'bang her like a beast' as Eli liked to put it. "But tonight, be the man."

"First off, act like you don't even like her."

You scoffed and shook your head. "How the fuck is he supposed to 'bang' her if she thinks he doesn't like her?"

"Shut up Y/n, it works every time."

"How would you know? You're bitchless."

"Shut up! Second, get her drunk. Really drunk, okay? That way, the true porn star will come out in her." Eli pointed his finger in Matt's face.

You shook your head and glanced at Klitz who didn't like this plan as much as you.

"Last and most important...always be touching her Matt." Eli said as he lightly stroked Matt's cheek. "That tells her you came here to get down tonight."

Eli talked like he had experience, and it was funny knowing he's never felt the touch from a woman except his mother. In fact, all three of them had never felt the touch of a woman, which would explain how every time you touched Klitz any where, he would get into a hot flush.


The plan didn't work out. Actually, it was a total disaster. Matt had told you all that Danielle now thought he only saw her as a cheap porn star and a freak. Matt had came to talk to you individually about it, wanting some advice on the matter.

You told him that he should go to her house an apologise to her in person, and show her how sorry he was.

That plan didn't work either. A man named Kelly was at her house and he took them to a strip club, proceeded to tell Matt about how he and Danielle used to date, and ordered a lap dance for Matt and his father's friend who was there for some unknown reason.


The three boys sat in a class watching a (very) outdated sex education video.

"Who is this guy? Is he a porn producer?" Klitz quietly asked, not wanting anyone else in the classroom to hear him.

"Klitz, shut up. Now, the strippers." Eli eagerly dismissed the more important question. "When you get a lap dance, were they cool with you grabbing their ass?"

"Dude! Oh my god, I'm trying to talk about Danielle here."

Klitz shook his head and decided not to speak and to listen like he always did instead.

"Fine, selfish bitch."

For teenagers, sexual intercourse can be dangerous.

"Jesus, what hack made this?" Eli questioned in irritation. "I could make a better sex-ed film with my mom!"

Both Matt and Klitz grimaced at the idea. "Why don't they update this thing?"

Special events, such as your senior prom...

Oh, that's right, senior prom! Klitz was thinking about asking you but he wasn't sure you'd want to go with someone as ugly as him. added pressure on young teens to loose their virginity, and also engage in unprotected sex.


After the last class of the day, you waited outside of the school for the rest of them. You planned to walk home with Klitz, the three finally came walking out of the exit, chatting away with each other. "Hey guys!" You greeted them with a soft smile. Klitz gave you a smile back but Matt seemed to be distracted.



You all turned to look at what Klitz was looking at. You all walked closer as Matt informed you that the guy talking to the three girls was Kelly.

"I just think you guys would be really hot."

The three girls giggled. Judging from what you were hearing, it sounded like he was trying to 'recruit' them or something.

Kelly finally noticed you all walking towards him.

"Hey, you guys know Matty?"

The girls furrowed their eyebrows in confusion.

"I hung with him last night. Guys, the tits! Here's my man." He raised his fist to give Matt a fist-bump which he returned.

"How's it going?" Matt tried to greet him as politely and less loathingly as he could.

"What's up fellas? Hey little lady." Kelly shook the hand of Eli and gave you a wink, making you grimace and move closer towards Klitz and grab onto his backpack strap.

"Matty, you didn't tell me you got some serious burners at your school here."

"Oh shut up! You did not say that." The girls gushed and Kelly smirked, they didn't realise he was only playing them.

"Hey, you know who's got the killer bud?" Kelly suddenly walked up to Klitz and put his arm around him. "This fucker right here."

"W-what are you talking about?" Oh, bless.

"Yeah, come on. You got some? Yeah, come on."

Kelly slapped Klitz's back, the sound that came from his throat made your toes curl and your breath hitch. Kelly held out a bag of weed in front of the girls.

"Holy shit!"

"You guys should party."

"Can I-?" One of the girls tried to take the bag from him.

"All right, we're out." Kelly suddenly turned around and beckoned you four to his car.

The girls complained and asked if he wanted to hang out. Kelly just ignored them. "Hop in fellas."

"There's not enough room for me in there." You stopped in front of the door looking up at the stranger.

"Sit on your boyfriend's lap." He gestured to Klitz who stood still next to you.

"He's not my-"


You looked to Klitz to see if it was alright. He nodded, almost too eagerly. You had no choice but to take on Kelly's suggestion, pulling down your skirt so it didn't show your thighs that much. Klitz kindly helped you pull it down a bit, giving you a shy smile and pushing his glasses up.

Kelly started talking about how some of the girls at the school word be perfect for his porn movies nd then springing out an idea. "Fuck, I'm good! How do I get these ideas? It's like a gift, you know? It's like I can't control it." Klitz and Eli just nodded along when he looked at them expectantly.

This guy was definitely going to be Eli's idol.

"So, what are we doing man?"

end of chapter four.

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