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chapter five - "I get freaky."
pairing : Tim Klitz x Fem!Reader
word count : 1k
warnings : swearing


    "Dude, it's not your fault." Klitz tried to reassure Matt the best he could.

Matt had told you all about Danielle's sudden trip to Vegas for a convention with Kelly. He also said she seemed mad at him, even though he tried to apologise.

"No, it is my fault."

You were all sat in a random diner, discussing Matt's situation. Eli sat next to Matt and you sat across from him on the other side next to Klitz.

"If I hadn't been such a dick and taken her to that motel room..."

"Yeah, it was a little forward, don't you think?" Eli said, munching on some chips he had bought.

You rolled your eyes and put your arm on the back of the chair. "Wasn't that your idea?"

Eli opened his mouth but was interrupted by Klitz warning you both not to start. Even Matt was annoyed. "Dude."


"Matt, the point is, she made her decision. There's nothing you can do about it now."

You had never heard such wise words before from Klitz, so you jokingly started clapping your hands and nodding. He playfully rolled his eyes and nudged you.

Matt sat in thought. "Yeah, there is." Eli knowingly smirked and you sat there surprised that he would try that hard.


Matt's plan was to show up at the convention, hopefully find Danielle and apologise to her properly.

"Hey, dad?" "Don't wait up." "I'll be a little late tonight." "I'll watch it tomorrow, Shark Week is all week long." Whilst Eli drove, the rest of you were calling your parents.

"God, I just wanna bang hot chicks." Eli seemed more excited about seeing a bunch of naked ladies than the actual reason you were going in the first place.


When walking in, there were flashing lights, cameras and a bunch of people.

Eli took out his video camera, wanting to get everything on video for some odd reason.

"Yo, man, no press." One of the workers came up to him.

"No, no. No, I'm not press. I'm still in high school, okay? This is for my high school video year book."

You shook your head and continue to look around. Not wanting to get lost, you latched onto Klitz's hand.

The man let go of him and walked away. "That's right bitch." Eli flashed a smug smirk and continued to record.

You four continued to walk around when Klitz spotted Danielle on a stage with two other women.

"Jesus, is that her?"

On the big board behind them was pictures of Danielle and the other two, except she wasn't known as Danielle, but 'Athena'.

"Give me a second guys." Matt said before walking towards the stage and through the crowd.


"Matt, seriously man, it's two o'clock in the morning. Hey, what about your thing tomorrow? The scholarship dinner?" For once, you actually agreed with Eli.

"Sorry, I gotta do this."

"Matt, I totally get that you like her and all, but-" You tried to reason with Matt but he was already heading somewhere else. You all carried on following him.

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