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chapter six - "Well I'll be damned, what an unusual hobby."
pairing : Tim Klitz x Fem!Reader
word count : 701
warnings : swearing, mentions of sex, mentions of robbery, drug use


    One thing you weren't expecting that morning was for Matt to show up to school in Danielle's car, oh, and that Kelly also basically bust into the classroom unannounced.

It all started out with Matt reading over his speech whilst the teacher explained some shit no one was actually listening to. Eli had asked him if he was ready for tonight, it was his big scholarship meeting or whatever he said it was. Klitz tried to reassure him too. "Hey, don't worry man. You're gonna be great." Matt looked over at the other kid that was going to be making a speech, after all, the scholar ship could only go to one of them. "I have to be."

You noticed him look at the clock then through the thin window on the door. "Shit-"

All of a sudden, Kelly burst through the door, wagging his finger at Matt and shouting. "That bitch can't just run away just because she don't wanna fuck on film anymore!"

Everyone paused what they were doing and gawked at him.

"May I help you?" The teacher asked in a raised voice. Only getting shushed in response.

"Get up." He demanded.

"Okay, okay."

Kelly turned to Klitz and glared at him, making him avert his gaze as his head hung low.

He dragged Matt out of the classroom before turning around and telling everyone to stay in school.

"What the fuck just happened." You exclaimed, not caring of getting a scolding from the teacher.


Matt had called you about an hour after he was dragged out of class by Kelly, a pretty good time to be honest, as you all just finished the school day.

On the call, he sounded like he was in a hurry and asking you guys to fetch him. He explained everything briefly. Kelly had taken him on a drive, took him to Hugo's (another director) house and made him steal a dick trophy that was apparently supposed to be his.

"Okay, so what time does the dinner start?" Klitz asked in a hurry, whilst also trying not to go over the speeding limit. Yes, Klitz was driving. You thought it was pretty hot, and you couldn't stop looking at his hands. God, they were so big...I wonder what they would look like wrapped around- No! That is not what you should be focusing on right now, Matt's situation is more important.

"Six o'clock." Matt said worry, rubbing at his temples. His nose was bleeding from being punched in the face. "Why? What time is it now?"

"Six thirty." Eli answered from the passenger seat, you had to be squished in the corner behind the driver's seat.

"Oh my god."

"Dude, don't worry alright? We'll get there." Klitz tried to reassure him, it may have worked. "You know what? Try and-" He was cut of when Matt reached over and started to stroke his face. "Dude, what are you doing?"

"I don't know, I just-I feel so good." He leant back.

"Is this some goofy ah type shit or are you just high?" You asked, generally concerned.

Klitz quickly stopped in front of Danielle's house. You all watched as she ran down the front yard holding bags of clothes. Probably the outfits they were supposed to wear for the dinner.

She watched Matt hang out of the window with a bloody nose and disheveled hair, waving at her.

"Oh my god."


"I just feel so weird."

Matt was now dressed in his brown suit and Danielle was in her outfit.

"Don't worry, ecstasy is not that bad."

"What?" Both Eli and Klitz turned around in shock. You had to remind Klitz to look back at the road.

"Kelly likes dosing people with E." She informed you all.

You couldn't help yourself from making a remark. "Well I'll be damned, what an unusual hobby."

"Oh my god, am I gonna die?"

"No, no, no, it's okay Matt. You're gonna be fine, I promise."

Matt reached his hand out again to grasp onto Klitz's shoulder. "You're such a good friend Klitzy, I love you. I love you so much."

Your eyes widened and you slapped his hand away. "Stop trying to steal my man!" You had meant it as a joke, but it seemed like everyone else thought you were being serious, except from Matt of course, he was concentrating on the 'pain' in his hand.

end of chapter six.

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