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chapter seven - 'Tripod.'
pairing : Tim Klitz x Fem!Reader
word count : 474
warnings : swearing
a/n : this one is short too :)


You were all once again cooped up in Matt's bedroom, discussing yet another plan. Turns out, everyone loved Matt's speech, but he didn't get the scholarship. And, all of the money out of Samyung's account had been cleared out. Matt needed a way to get the money back, or acquire the same amount. Luckily, Danielle had come up with the perfect idea, they just needed everyone else on board.

"I'm in." Eli said, clapping his hands together.

"You haven't heard the full plan yet."

"Doesn't matter. Fuck film school. This is gonna be huge. This is gonna be my calling card."

The plan was to basically make a deal with Hugo, make a porno, get the money, and boom, sorted. You were already on board with the plan, Matt needed the money, so as his friend, you were going to help him.

All three of you turned your heads towards Klitz who sat on Matt's bed gawking up at you all.



You rolled your eyes at Eli's use of the nickname you gave Klitz.

"No way."

"Klitz, it's not like you have to be in the actual porno, you could help behind the scenes or something. Come on, do this for Matt. He really needs the help." You pleaded, but it seemed he needed a little bit more convincing.

" know I wouldn't ask for this unless I really needed it."

"Matt, believe me, I want to help you but-No. W-we'll get expelled and-"

Ah, so that was his worry.

"Klitz, shut up." Eli cut him off, putting his hand out to emphasise his point. "Do me a favor, okay? Take a look at us, okay? Take a good look at us."

Klitz looked up at him, not knowing where this was going.

"Do you know what we are, the three of us?"

You turned your head to Eli and sighed, shaking your head. Klitz looked at Matt then back at Eli. "What?"

"We're a fucking tripod."

"A tripod?"


"But there's four of us."

The three turned to you who sat in the corner. You lifted your hand and sarcastically waved at them.

"Plus Y/n."

You rolled your eyes and went back to inspecting your nails.

"And you know what that means? That means if you kick out one of our legs, then we all fall." Eli slapped his thigh. "Come on baby."

Klitz pondered for a moment before sighing. "Fuck."

Eli grabbed Klitz's plump cheeks and kissed one of them, making Klitz grimace and try to get away.

"I know it was you Klitzy."

You all got up ready to leave Matt to inform Danielle and figure some stuff out. Whilst walking out of the door, you shouted to Eli.

"Nice inspirational speech there Brookes,"

"Oh, thank you-"

"Except the part when you left me out and used the nickname I gave to him." Giving him a sarcastic smile and the middle finger, you ran to catch up with Klitz and linked your arm with his, leaving Eli to roll his eyes.

end of chapter seven.

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