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I took a deep breath to calm my nerves before walking into the apartment.

My eyes widened and I stood frozen at the scene. It was complete chaos.

There was a little girl jumping on the couch, a man I assumed to be Han's dad running around frantically as he got ready for work, and two toddlers that looked just alike screeching as they ran around shooting each other and everything else in sight with foam ball guns.

"Haru-chan!" the little girl called, pointing at me.

"Fresh meat!" her twin smiled deviously, aiming his gun at me.

My eyes grew wider in fear, if that was even possible.

She shot a ball at his head, "No, バカ! The door!"

With that, the two of of them started sprinting towards me.

I heard Han's voice before I saw him. "NO!!" he yelled, jumping over a couch cushion that the third child had thrown at his feet in attempts to trip him as he sprinted towards me to beat the kids to the door.

I gasped sharply and took a step back. But I was so terrified my legs gave out and I ended up unintentionally falling against the door. I closed my eyes tightly, positive he'd run into me considering his speed. Instead, his hands slammed against the door around my head.

Our chests rose and fell together, almost touching from how close we were as we both panted heavily.

I slowly looked up to meet his eyes, his face, his lips were so close to mine. I could feel his warm breath against my own. We were both blushing, though I was sure his came from the way he'd been chasing his siblings around.

"Hey," he huffed with a smile.

"Hi," I panted softly.

"Aww! Nii-chan, you're no fun!" the little girl whined.

"Hikari-chan! Shoot nii-chan!" Haru suggested and they immediately scrambled to pick up their balls.

Han's eyes widened as he moved to kick amo away from his siblings, "Run!"

"Run where?!" I countered.

"My room! Ah!" he cried out, being beaten to the floor with a couch cushion by the same child who'd thrown one at him earlier.

"Han?!" I panicked, having no idea where his room was.

"Hanako, get off!" he yelled, snatching the cushion and placing it on the floor to break her fall before slamming her on her back.

He scrambled to his feet and ran towards me. I screamed as the kids started shooting at me, obviously getting ahold of the foam balls their older brother had missed.

He snatched my wrist on his way passed me, dragging me behind him as we ran down the hall to his room—those adorable, yet devilish, twins following and not at all letting up on their shooting.

He opened the door and let me in, coming right behind me before slamming and locking it. The thud of balls pelted the door from outside before the kids finally left us alone.

He huffed and dropped to his butt on the floor, resting his weight in his hands behind him. He panted heavily with his eyes closed and head thrown back to the ceiling.

I plopped onto his bed the exact same way. "Is your house...always like this?" I huffed out.

"Yeah, pretty much," he panted.

His Daughter |ʜᴀɴᴛᴀ sᴇʀᴏWhere stories live. Discover now