|35| Just us for a while.

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I just wanted to start this by saying that I know the prison escape occurs at some point in the Black Widow film, but I've tweaked it a little to fit my chosen storyline. There will be a couple of differences here and there but not much since it wasn't directly covered in the film so doesn't make too much of a difference all in all.

Natasha's POV

Y/n was different. As much as she tried to hide it, no doubt for my sake, I could see the darkness in her mind.

Her once toothy smile no longer met her eyes. Her laughs were few and far between, always sounding so forced. Her body was tired, from trying to heal as well as the lack of sleep. But nothing was as tired as her mind.

She was keeping everything locked away, trying so hard to convince me that she was okay. But she was the farthest from it.

We had only spent one night in Wakanda since there was a high likelihood that whatever agencies from across the world that wanted us, would look their first. In spite of how hidden the place was, someone would eventually find the way in, and none of us wanted that. Especially since we were already so indebted to T'Challa and his people.

Once we left there, without Bucky in tow, everyone parted ways. Nobody said too much about where they were heading, since things were still tense between us. Like a thick air filled the room whenever we all inhabited it.

Being around them no longer felt care free. We felt like a fractured family and the only thing that was going to possibly heal that was time and space.

Luckily though, I had a plan. Both Y/n and I were wanted, as expected, so it was vital that we remained under the radar. However, that didn't mean we couldn't have a little bit of fun in the process.

That's how we found ourselves back where it all started, only for a short time of course. I had thought up my plan early on, so it was easy to carry out without a hitch.

Albany, New York. That's where we were. Or at least where Thaddeus Ross thought we were.

My suit was fitted with a tracker; one that I wasn't meant to know about but one that I'd found easily. I made sure that Y/n and I were caught on at least one camera together so there was at some attention on us. Although that was an understatement since they were leaving no stone unturned in their search for the rogue Avengers.

Except for one...

I planted my suit in a toilet stall in the train station, knowing full well that Ross would deploy agents to the location the second I switched on the tracker.

Little did he know that Y/n and I would be thousands of miles away by that point. Me watching through the security cameras as Ross and a SWAT team burst through the front doors of the station. Always with the dramatics.

Y/n was waiting outside the bathroom I was in just to be safe.

As the footage continued to play on my phone screen, I took my time pulling my hoodie off and splashing water on my face. I was tired. We hadn't stopped moving for days, but we'd get a break soon.

When I looked back down at my phone, I saw Ross entering the station. It was time.

With nimble fingers I dialled his number and put the ringing device to my ear. It only took a second or two for his voice to sound from the other end of the line.

"Yeah?" He was truly none the wiser.

With a faint smirk I dropped the bomb, "don't do this."

"Do what?" I could tell from his tone that he knew exactly who I was. All knowing, or so he thought.

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