|46| Red or white?

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Nat and I had been holed up in our idyllic country villa set away from anyone else for going on five days.

We'd woken up to catch the sunrise only once and missed it by a good few hours every other day. When our eyes finally did peek open we were in no rush to climb out of bed. We'd cuddle, talk, bask in the silence, decide to catch a few more minutes of sleep or on a couple of occasions, express our love for one another in the best way we knew how.

By making it.

Then we'd usually shower, together of course, before dressing in something casual and wandering down to the kitchen hand in hand where I'd fix us breakfast. Pancakes, cereal, fruit, oatmeal; whatever Nat wanted she got. I'd made sure to order in every breakfast food she liked, along with lunch and dinner ones too, so that my answer to her any request was never a 'no'.

I didn't want to let her down or make the vacation any less enjoyable for her. That was of course dramatic, and Nat would've agreed in a heartbeat if she realised quite the lengths I'd gone to for her, but I wanted it all to be nothing short of perfect.

Once our bellies were full and our skin tacky with sunscreen, we'd venture out to the pool or down to the beach to spend the next few hours lazing about. Despite my strict application of sunscreen we were both developing a light tan, one that would no doubt continue to darken the longer we stayed in our own little paradise.

Today was to be the first day we'd venture into town. I'd made a dinner reservation at a restaurant that had come highly recommended by our driver, so we'd have to actually make ourselves look presentable for the first time in a while.

It was a date after all.

But we didn't need to worry or think about that for a good few hours so we settled down to do what we'd been enjoying most, which was doing nothing at all, but with a good view.

Nat laid back beside me on her towel, eyes rested closed and arms crossed behind her head, whilst I rested on my side perched up on an elbow just admiring her. She knew all too well that I was staring at her, wholly and totally unashamed at my actions, as she failed to hide her smirk. My mouth tipped up at the corners just as hers did and before long she was opening her eyes a crack to look back at me.

"Still up to your staring I see" she hummed, feigning disapproval.

I was quick to correct her, "admiring actually."

"Hmmm, either way it's a little creepy" she continued to play along.

I shrugged my shoulders as best I could in that position, "you're the one who fell in love with this particular creep. Think that says more about you than it does me."

Nat's small smile broke out into a toothy one, "there's no winning with you. Your smart mouth has an answer for everything."

"Y'know...there is a way you could shut it up" I teased, with a tinge of suggestiveness.

Nat played dumb though of course, untucking one of her arms and placing her hand over my mouth. "Like this?"

I instantly poked my tongue out and ran it along her palm, but she didn't pull her hand away like I'd expected her to.

"Is that all you've got?" She challenged, "I've dealt with a lot grosser than your saliva darling."

My face heated at the new term of endearment and I was momentarily stunned by the effect it had on me. I love it, and from the look on Nat's face I could tell that she knew I did.

Let the teasing commence. "What's up? Cat got your tongue all of a sudden, darling?"

I let out a huff, both of approval and its counterpart. How on earth could my body be betraying me? She didn't even have to try in order to read me. The answer was written across my face in bold.

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