Versus the Tech Army - Part 2

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(Dakotas POV)

It was nice meeting so many fans. It had really been a while since I had done an event like this, and as luck would have it, from the stage where I would sit, I could watch Ryan and his Dad play the VR Wayvern game a few booths down. I was in between pictures, when I heard him scream.

"I am Emeline of Navarre!"

"We can free the king!" His dad yells standing next to him also playing the game. "Ready your sword! There may be trolls!" I looked to Kendall over at my merchandise table and we laughed for a few seconds at the two of them swinging imaginary swords at nothing, I also noticed Veracity, who was there because she won the junior inventors competition, taking a video of them. I'm definitely asking her to send me that video later. I continued taking pictures, occasionally signing the bottom of someone's skateboard. Kendall and I took a break back in my room.

"You know how famous I feel? I feel like you!" Kendall says as we walked back to my room. 

"Why is that exactly?" I asked.

"People asked me to sign their stuff too." She answered.

"Shut up seriously? That's awesome!" I said. "Someones stepping up their Instagram game."

"You know it." She laughs as we walked into my dressing room. We left the door open for some fresh air. "So I didn't get to talk to him almost at all but how was meeting Ryans dad?"

"He was about as surprised as I figured he would be." I answered. "What's funny is he was about as stunned as Ryan was when we first met."

"Father like son." She chuckled.

"Dude that's what I said!" I laughed. "That look on his face absolutely made my day.

We hung around the room for a little bit, I had a donut or two as we talked. Kendall was in the middle of telling me about and idiot co-worker when the door to my room just slammed shut when neither of us were near it.

"That was weird right?" I asked.

"Yeah, I would classify that as weird." Kendall says as we both stared at the door. I got up from my chair and walked to the door, turning the handle. Locked. I put the pin in the electronic lock to unlock it, even though neither of us actually locked it, tried it again and it still didn't work.

"The pins not working." I said. She shrugged and pulled out her phone while saying,

"I'll call the front desk and see if they can,"

"Wait, shh." I said leaning my ear towards the door.

"What, I don't hear anything," she says

"Shhhhh!" I said still trying to listen. I could hear some sort of explosions from the other room, occasionally hearing somebody scream. Eventually there was a really loud bang and screams, loud enough for my sister on the other side of the room to hear.

"I stand corrected." She said getting up coming to the door. "What was that?"

"I don't know but I think I know somebody who might." I walked back to my bag digging it my phone, calling Ryans phone.


Me and Marks day with our Dad had started going a tad bit south when Harris's new drones showed up. At first we thought they we after me, but for some reason they're after Veracity. Now all the nanites from inside are in the rest of the tech, and eventually the incompatible pieces of tech just explode. The three of us were know hiding under a table trying to figure out what to do when my phone rang when Dakota was calling me.

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