The accident

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This is very angsty be warned. Rereading this story (and with my own diagnosis now of Tourette's) I noticed my portrayal of Toby's tics were very bad. I am now going to try and rectify the mistakes in future chapters.

"Do you blame yourself"
"For what?"
"For the accident..."

Flames. Roaring flames. Roaring high-flying flames. It's all he could see. For miles and miles. Houses on fire. His family on the verge... had his mother made it? All these thoughts. All of this. All because of the ratbag. He was in this mess because of him. Everything in his life was ruined because of him. Him.

He made this mess and now he was going to burn... but so was he. He was going to die to escape. He refused to be jailed. He would not take it. He would be killed. So he would rather he do it himself. Take himself down alongside all the wrongdoers. But suddenly he heard a voice... a gentle voice...

" Toby... TOBY!"

Toby awoke to his senses. The thick smell of smoke surrounding the mansion. He had remembered seeing the fire but not sure what made him pass out. He looked around, slightly disoriented, before realising it was masky above him.
"Masky?... wh-wha-?"

Masky had picked Toby up by now and was rushing him outside the mansion. Everyone was screaming his name as he ran out a sigh of relief sounded. Masky looked down at Toby, panting heavily.
"God Toby... don't scare me like that..."

Toby was so confused. His head was pounding and his chest felt right. He went to touch his head and when he pulled away there was a lot of blood. Due to his CIPA he did not feel pain a lot but at this moment he was frozen in fear. What had happened.
"M-masky... why am I b-bleeding?"
"It's a long story but right now I need to know you're okay. You got hurt pretty badly" he mumbled as he tried to examine the wounds.

Toby was trying to stay awake at best let alone try and process what masky was saying. He groaned softly as his eyes fluttered shut.
"Ugh... 'm so t-tired"
"Toby. Toby no. Don't close your eyes. St.y... aw..e.."

Masky went straight into panic mode. Toby had gone limp and was paler than before. He didn't know what to do and looked up at everyone. People started to rush to help him as best as they could as the others tried to control the fire. They got Toby some medical attention but he still had a very raspy breathing pattern. Masky was pacing back and forth as he kept on checking on Toby. He didn't know what would happen.

"Hey... Tim?" Hoodie came towards him with a hand on his shoulder " I-is he okay?"
Masky sighed and nodded "he's stable but slender man isn't sure how long for..."
Hoodie nodded and looked down at Toby who was in the makeshift infirmary outside the mansion. Eyeless Jack and Dr Smiley walked into the room to do assessments on Toby and requested the 2 proxies to leave for the time being. Masky felt disheartened as Toby could easily succumb to a coma from the stress on his body, and masky truly couldn't live without him there for more than a day.

No matter how truly annoying this boy could be... masky really did care for him. He cared so much. And he missed his voice, and the annoying way he'd repeat his name, and the mischievous look in his beautiful chocolate brown eyes.... And now masky was spiralling once again. He resorted to his room and locked himself inside for the meantime... he just needed some peace. Luckily not the whole house was burnt. Due to the mansions size only part of the house was affected and had been blocked off. Those who lost their rooms were currently accommodating other peoples rooms or in the makeshift infirmary. Luckily maskys room was not one of them.

Hoodie was not taking the news well either. As it was evident, both masky and hoodie had feelings for Toby and both were competing for his love. Hoodie sat beside the infirmary day and night, unlike masky, in case of any news. Both men handled their concern and sadness in very different ways.

-time skip-

It had been a few weeks or ,on masky's count, it had been 3 weeks, 4 days, 11 hours 37 minutes and 10..11..12.. seconds. All of which had been immense torture for both the proxies. Masky after a week of mellowing in his room decided to join hoodie outside the infirmary. Both god barely any sleep and would visit Toby whenever they were allowed. This sense of loss had brought the two closer again through mutual sadness. It was almost comforting to the others but at the same time very saddening.

"Do you think he might wake up?.." hoodie asked as they both were beside Toby.
"Today? No... soon?... I really hope so..." he sighed. He looked to Toby and gently brushed the hair off of his eyes. His beautiful closed eyes. "I just wish there was more we could do..."
"I agree," hoodie nodded as he also looked down at Toby. "It would be nice just to see him awake again. I miss the annoyance. Especially when he annoys you." He chuckled with a melancholy tone of reflection.
"I can't lie, I miss it as well. I miss hearing his voice. God that squeaky voice... that squeaky angelic voice." Masky sighed as he gazed at Toby in his comatose state. "Do you believe that people in a coma can actually hear and experience everything around them even when they can't move? Like in the movies?"
"If it were true he would probably be trying to annoy us in his mind." Hoodie smiled. Masky nodded in agreement.

As time went on the two discussed everything they loved about Toby and eventually masky looked up at hoodie "you really do like hun don't you?" And hoodie nodded
"You like hun a lot as well... probably more than I do. It's been quite a while since we've known him but it seems you spend more time with him... and I'm pretty sure he likes you more" he chuckled.
"But he also likes you don't forget. I'm pretty sure he does anyways. You have a shot."
"We both have a shot... but... I think it should be you that he chooses. It was obvious when you ran into a fucking burning building because you were the only one to realise he wasn't with us. You literally ran through rubble and almost got trapped under some wooden debris for him... you really do love him and I think you should take the chance with him. You two are soulmates."

Masky had his mouth open slightly "hoodie... Brian. I don't want you to get hurt because you think he'd be better with me. You don't have to make this sacrifice"
"But I want to. He deserves you. Just as much as you deserve him... and I've grown to accept that" he smiled softly. Masky nodded
"Thank you hoodie... I really owe you one. Well, granted that Toby actually likes me back" he chuckled as he looked back down at the sleeping boy.... But something had changed...

Toby.. was he... he was holding back a smile and his cheeks had gone flushed.


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