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So uh... it's been a good while. I found this draft and my OCD made me have to complete it so uh... enjoy??? I'm so sorry

It was officially BEN's birthday and he planned to get everyone either drunk or high, except the pure hearted Sally. He had planned a huge party and, with his boyfriend's- Jeff's- help, had the whole mansion prepared for the fun to begin. All were ready and Sally knew her bedtime, as well as not to come downstairs unless its an emergency.

As people started filing down the stairs, BEN turned the music up and it blasted around the large living area. Jane and Clockwork went to the dance floor and started dancing, BEN grabbed Jeff and started making out with him, Slenderman was sitting in the kitchen- enjoying a drink, Eyeless Jack and hoodie were starting up a nice conversation and Laughing Jack was trying to place pranks all over the party area.

Toby had never seen, or even been, to such a party like this. Mayhem was everywhere and he didn't know what to do except grab a drink and stand in a corner.

"Hey Toby... You okay?" Masky asked, walking over to the brunette boy.

"Y-yeah, f-f-fine... Jus-st fe-eling aw-wkward..." Toby admitted, laughing at himself.

"Well... Do you wanna dance with me?" Masky asked, which Toby responded with a reluctent- but willing- nod as he was dragged onto the dance floor. Masky started dancing like a, somewhat, pro while Toby was just stepping side to side and nodding his head- but laughing all the same.

"W-ow, yo-ou're re-eal-lly go-od!" Toby shouted, over the music, to Masky.

"Thanks!" Masky said as he grabbed Toby's hand, guiding him in dancing.

"Sh-oould I-I ge-t us so-ome mo-re drin-ks?" Toby asked. Masky nodded in response, letting go on Toby. The brunette boy went over to the drinks table and grabbed two drinks. Taking a long chug of his, then another, and another, until he had drained his cup to which he needed to grab another- repeating the same process 3 times. At this point, Toby was highly drunk- not being to big on alcohol due to his father

"Heeeyyyy Masskkkyy~" Toby said, with no stutter at all.

"Toby? Are you drunk?" Masky asked, laughing a little.

"Mayyybbeee~" Toby said, hiccuping. "You look really nice Masky... And tasty~"

"W-w-what?" Masky asked, taken back by how forward the- normally shy- boy was.

"I wonder how good you are in bed~" Toby said seductively, a hint of lust glazing his eyes.

"I-I ummm... Toby.. I like you but you're really drunk and i dont want to take advantage of you..." Masky said, which Toby pouted about.

"I'm sober enough to know I want this, to know I want you... The alcohol just gave me a boost of confidence..." Toby said, wrapping his arms around Masky's neck. He slowly leaned into the taller male and kissed him. Masky kissed back, wrapping his arms around his waist and up his shirt. Toby started backing Masky into the closest wall and Toby was lifted up.

Toby was panting and loving the feeling but madly couldn't continue. It wasn't right.
"Toby... god I do like you and I do want this but I can't have you like this... not whilst you're intoxicated because you might regret it and you can't consent properly..."
Toby whined. It always turned out like this. He pouted.
"C'mon maskyyy..."
Masky sighed and looked into Toby's beautiful eyes. He sighed and picked up Toby from off the wall.
"I'm taking you to bed again"
Toby grumbled in frustration but decided not to argue with masky. No matter what he'd do masky wouldn't give him attention, it was infuriating. He really really liked masky but he didn't know what to do anymore. He just let masky lay him in bed and just grumbled at him before turning to the side, not giving masky the attention he wanted.

After a few hours though Toby still couldn't sleep. He found that he always slept better with someone else by his side especially in these situations when the darkness was eating him alive. He refused to go to masky though, he was to mad at him. Instead he just lay there. However out the corner of his eye he could see something. Something bright. He groggily got up and that's when he saw it

"Oh fuck there's a fire..."

Well then uh... when I wrote the first half of this draft I had something different in mind but now if I'm gonna continue this I might turn it angst so uh... I guess enjoy?? Also a welcome back I suppose haha

Tik Tok goes The Clock (Masky x Ticci Toby) Where stories live. Discover now