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Masky is my lovely jealous cheesecake!

Masky was a jealous boy, and he knew it. He was pacing his room waiting for Toby's door to creak, like it has every time it opened. Then he heard voices outside his door and placed his ear on the door.
"Thank yo-u again Ho-odie, I had a g-re-at tim-e! It was r-eal-lly fu-nn." Toby said, but it wasn't as clear as it would be if it wasn't through a door.
"It was nothing Toby, if you ever want to hang out at all then just knock on my door." Hoodie said to Toby. Then Masky heard a kiss on skin, and guessed that Toby kissed Hoodies cheek.
"B-bye Hoodie!" Toby said.
"B-b-bye um... Toby..." Hoodie responded and walked away.

Maksy growled and stormed to his bed, crashing down in a sulking manner. He knew he liked Toby, he had since he first saw him. Masky may not have believed in love at first sight then, but he felt something with Toby that day and he knew that he liked him. Toby gave him a meaning to life, and it may sound corny but it was true.

Toby had just closed his door with a creek when he noticed a letter of the floor. He picked it up, unfolded it with care and read what was written:
"Dear Toby
I saw you and hoodie going out to the lake together, it may sound stalkerish but I did. I know you may like him but I like you aswell. I was wondering if you'd like to hang out at waffle house tomorrow at 2:00pm. You can easily say no if you don't want to but the offer is there.
Sincerely, Masky"

Toby was shocked to say the least, he had Hoodie liking him and now Masky?! He was confused beyond measure. Toby wasn't sure wether the boys even actually liked him or were just fighting like friend-brothers do. Toby decided he would go seeing as he likes Masky more than Hoodie, but he still liked both males.

Hoodie heard Toby read the letter and was infuriated. Toby was Hoodie's and he wasn't gonna let him go that easily. He'll ruin the date if he had to. He walked back to his room to make a plan, and he knew who to call. He hadn't told Masky but he kept in contact with Jay. (marble hornets but I'm not the best so sorry if I screw up!) Hoodie made the call.
"Jay, hey. It's Brian. I was wondering if you'd like to do a favour for me. I'll pay for it because it's a bit... weird." Hoodie talks over the phone to jay. In the end jay decides  to do it.

Toby was getting his hair brushed when there was a knock at the door. He quickly finished up trying to tame his fluffy hair, with failure, and opened the door.
"Hey, you ready?" Masky asked, who had a red plaid shirt on and no mask surprisingly.
"Yeah, I was just trying to tame my hair." Toby giggled. He was excited to go to Waffle House, seeing he loves waffles. Both boys left the mansion and made their way to Waffle House.

Once they arrived, they were seated and asked what they'd like to drink.
"Could i please have.. a coke please?" Masky asked, adding a weird accent to his voice so they weren't spotted as killers.
"And can I have... a chocolate milkshake?" Toby asked, plastering a smile on his face that made maskys heart melt.
"Of course! I'll get those right away." The waitress left them and Toby started fiddling with the menu while deciding what type of waffle he was going to have. He couldn't choose between 'Nutella and strawberry' or 'syrup and sugar'.
"Masky I don't know what waffle to choose! I'm stuck between two!" Toby complained, it was hard for him to riddle it down to two in all honesty.
"How about we get both them, and have half each?" Masky suggested.

Once the boys had ordered, a man had walked in and Toby noticed Masky go rigid. 

"Masky? are you okay?" Toby asked concerned.

"P-peachy..." Masky said, though the colour from his face had obviously drained away. Jay had walked over to the table the boys were sitting at.

"Long time no see, Tim." Jay said bluntly

"Jay! Hi... What brings you too town?" Masky said, tying to signal to Jay to get the fuck away.

"Hoodie called, said you'd be here." Jay said, sweating. Why did he agree to do this again?

"Why would you need to know I'm here, I'm kinda busy." Masky said, glancing at Toby.

"I have to tell you something... Important.." Jay said, swearing to himself.

"what?" Masky said bluntly

"I know you murder people and... and if you don't date.... me...." Jay said, swearing at hoodie mentally "then ill expose you."

"hoodie set you up to this didn't he?" Masky said, knowing hoodie would go this far.

Jay nodded, accepting defeat but knew he'd still get the money. He walked away and called hoodie.

"The plan failed, sorry" Jay said.

"what do you mean 'failed'?" Hoodie asked, his temper rising

"it means," jay started, temper also rising "that Tim knew you set me up."

"how?" Hoodie asked, outraged.

"you two were besties." Jay said, stifling a laugh into a cough.

Hoodie ended the call and threw his phone at the wall.

"bastard..." hoodie murmered. He will get back at Tim, and win Toby once and for all. even if it means by force...

DONE!!!!!! IM NOT DEAD SO YEAH HOPE YOU ENJOYED!!! BYE CUBS!!! (learnt how to bold)

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