His first mission

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I am impressed with myself, thank you will of writing!!!

Toby was still extremely embarrassed by the events of yesterday, with the tea party, and wasn't sure if he could go on the mission Slenderman assigned him to with Masky. He was pacing his room, getting ready for the knock on the door. Then there it was, the knock at the door.
"Come in!" Toby said and Slenderman walked through the door.
"Are you ready for the mission?" Slenderman asked. He knew Toby was embarrassed, but he needed the mission to happen. Toby nodded as he decided he would try to not make it awkward.

Slenderman left and Toby grabbed his hatchets, goggles and face mask. He placed the goggles over his eyes, to stop blood entering his eyes that don't blink a lot, and his mask, to hide away his bite mark on his cheek. He made his way downstairs and waited at the front door. Masky made his way downstairs shortly, his gun in hand and mask on his face.
"Rea-ady to g-o?" Toby asked, a blush barely visible on his face.
"Yeah, lets" Masky replied, still remembering the previous events. On their way out of the forests feild, they heard a whistle from behind. When they turned around they saw Jeff leaning on a tree.
"I'm surprised your not in a dress today toby, you looked goood" adding an extra 'o' to 'good'. Toby growled at his way,
"Let's go Masky." Toby said bluntly as he darted off, disappearing once a certain distance away. Masky followed his lead.

"So w-what do w-ee hav-e to d-do on th-this mi-ss-ssion an-y-way?" Toby asked unsure. He'd never been on a mission.
"We have to track and kill the suspect, in our case 16 year old Layla Sue Maddison Green. Her crime was discovering a murder done by Jeff, and publishing it on instagram. Bens already hacked it off and erased all memory of it. We just have to kill her. It's simple, as long as there's no witnesses. Hoodies already done his part and stalked her to figure out a rough schedule. Today she will be alone in 1 hour in her home when her parents leave for work and her brother is taken to childcare." He said to Toby, making sure he knew what was going on.

Toby was following every word he said, knowing that blood was going to be on his hands that day and probably many days following. After a half an hour walk to the house, elongated due to having to hide away from civilians, they had made their way to the home.
"This is it?" Toby asked, unsure.
"This is it. Now follow my lead. No-one can know we were ever here." Masky said.
Toby nodded, realising if anything happened they would go to prison. They both made their way up a tree in the back garden and jumped onto the roof.

They crawled to the edge and Masky made his way to the bathroom window ledge. Toby followed and almost fell, Masky catching him by the hip before he could fall. They made their way into the bathroom.
"No-w w-wh-at do we d-o?" Toby whispered. He was scared and filled with adrenaline.
"We have to go and kill her, I'll let you but you have to be swift and I'll restrain her whilst covering her mouth. I think your hatchets might be less noisy." Masky explained. Toby nodded agreeing.
"Let's go."

They slowly made their way to Layla's room, hearing she was listening to music loudly. This was perfect. Masky ran in and restrained her covering her mouth.
"Now Toby!" Masky said loud enough to hear over the music. Then Toby swung his hatchets down onto her torso, opening it up. He then cut at her heart and killed her.
"A little gory don't you think?" Masky said. Toby giggled, enjoying what he just did.
"No-w w-wh-at do we d-o?" Toby asked. Masky grabbed a device and scanned the girl, it dinged and she started to vanish.
"Bens new invention, so much easier. Now let's go before the parents come home." Masky explained.

They left the crime scene and walked back to the mansion.
"So um, about that dress situation..." Masky started. He didn't want to make Toby uncomfortable but he did want to tell Toby something else.
"Ca-n we no-ot Mas-sk-ky, it was rea-l-lly em-be-ra-assing..." Toby said, lucky his blush was hidden by the mask.
"N-no it's just, I wanted to say you looked... nice in the dress..." Masky blushes but his mask covered it.
"R-r-really?" Toby asked, unsure.
"Yeah, it suited you." Masky assured.

The rest of the walk was made in a calm silence, one both boys seemed to enjoy. Once they arrived they informed Slenderman of the success. He congratulated both and said a party would be held for Toby's first mission success.
"Does this always happen?" Toby asked Masky.
"Only if your first mission was a success, for Jeff it was a punishment as he fucked up insanely." Toby only nodded at this answer.

Needless to say, Toby was excited for the party. He couldn't believe, for once in his life, he'd be celebrated for something he did. Even if it was murder, he was excited.

Can't wait till next chapter, Toby gets a tad bit drunk. I might start writing it now actually so stay tuned!

Tik Tok goes The Clock (Masky x Ticci Toby) Where stories live. Discover now