The party

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This one is where we don't just get pining from both boys, something actually happens yay!!!

Later on in the night, around 6:00pm, everything was set up for the party. Everyone was excited, all dressed up in party clothes. Sally was wearing a poofy pink dress; Clockwork was wearing some jeans and a blue tank top; Jane was just wearing a black dress; hoodie went with his normal outfit; Jeff went with black jeans and top; Ben just went with what he had; Slenderman stayed the same; and almost everyone else stayed the same. Masky went in a red plaid shirt and black jeans (still in his mask) and Toby went in a white shirt and black jeans with his mask on but no goggles.

Once everyone was there the party begun. It was going great and all the games started an hour in. First they played truth or dare.
"So Toby... truth or dare?" Hoodie asked, starting the game off. He knew both boys liked each other so he got just the questions for Toby.
"T-truth p-pl-ease?" Toby asked
"Do you have a crush on someone in the mansion?" Hoodie asked smirking.
"W-wha-t u-U-um ye-a-ah." Toby stated blushing. He looked down as to not make eye contact, but said a small but clear:
"Masky truth or dare?"
Masky was taken aback how non stuttering it was.
"U-um dare!" Masky said with fierceness
"I da-are yo-ou to go.... ch-u-ug tha-a-at ha-alf a bot-t-tle of b-eer!" Toby started finally. Masky nodded and chugged it all down in a minute, a round of applause following.

After an hour of truth or dare everyone decided to move onto spin the bottle. A more risky game but everyone was down. Hoodie was first to spin the bottle, which landed on Sally. Sally gave him a kiss on the cheek and that was that. Then Sally spun and it landed on Jeff, who gave a grunt and kissed her forehead. Then Jeff span and it landed on ben. They both blushed and looked away.
"Do I have to kiss him?" Ben asked, wanting to but not infront of everyone.
"It is in the game Ben..." hoodie explained
"Fine..." Ben murmured, leaning forward to Jeff. He kissed his lips briefly. Ben then span the bottle and it landed on Toby. Toby kissed the top of bens head, and then he span the bottle. 'Out of all people' toby thought when it stopped 'it had to land on Masky!'

Toby was a blushing mess at that point. He had to kiss Masky, his crush masky, the Masky that only a few hours ago thought he looked good in a dress. Toby leaned forward, to where Masky was, and lifted his mask to find Masky blushing himself.
"S-so..." toby stammered
"Fuck it." Masky said and, in one swift move, grabbed Toby's face and kissed him. They let go almost immediately.
"Excuseme!" Toby said instantly, getting up and leaving for the kitchen. No way did that just happen!

Once he was in the kitchen he started picking at the party food. He decided to start on waffles obviously. Toby knew Masky would have felt just as bad. Toby started chugging down some beer, and then another, and then another. Then he stopped. He giggled a bit, he'd never drunk before seeing as he only turned the legal age last year. He decided to stop before he got to out of hand, or at least stop till the party games were over. He cane back into the games just as they were playing pin the heart in the human, which he found gross. It was literally a human corpse, cut open and guts spilled out, and you had to pin his heart back into his corpse. Toby almost puked.

After that horrid game was over, the music starting blaring. You could see zero on the dj stand, blasting the tunes and remixing them. Toby grabbed his drink and headed towards the dance floor. He danced around and drank for what only felt like minutes but was actually hours. Let's just say, Toby was very drunk.
"H-hey m-mas-sky?" Toby hiccuped
"Yeah? What's up?" Masky responded
"Have-have you ev-er lo-ok-oked this pe-erf-fect?" Toby asked, with another hiccup.
"W-what?" Masky asked taken aback
"I s-sai-d have-have you ev-er lo-ok-oked this pe-erf-fect?" Toby said again
"I-I don't know toby... are you drunk?"
"M-me? D-dr-unk? Nahhhh!" Toby said, in a slurry way, giggling in the process.
"You're drunk... I'll take you to bed now."
"W-wha! Noooo mas-sky!!!" Toby pleaded.
"You'll thank me in the morning..." Masky said.
"You-ou'll have to dr-rag me-e up th-e-en!" Toby stated, being stubborn as hell. Masky wasn't having any of it though so he picked Toby up.

Toby was taken aback, did Masky just pick him up... and bridal style to! Toby must have been in heaven at that moment.
"M-Masky!!! Nooo!!! I don't wa-ana g-oo!" Toby whined like a child.
"Just, cooperate Toby... please?" Masky asked sincerely. He didn't want Toby having more of a bad hangover than he already would get.
"F-f-fine... only bec-ca-use yo-our cu-ute..." toby explained.

Once Toby was out to bed, Masky was about to leave the room until he heard a small whine from the boy who supposed to be sleeping.
"S-stay with me m-ma-sky!" Toby quickly said.
"Fine, only until you fall asleep."
Toby laid in Masky arms, slowly dozing off. It only took him 5 minutes to actually hit a full sleep. Masky saw how cute he was and wanted to stay but he knew that Toby would wounded why he was there in the first place so he got out of the bed. He went over to Toby's side and went to kiss his cheek, but Toby turned around at that moment and Masky caught his lips.

Masky pulled away instantly and left the room, blushing hard but his mask covered that up. The rest of the party went on and everyone hit the hay at around midnight, all very tired. All Masky could think of was toby, and his plum lips, and his hazelnut coloured eyes, and his rosy cheeks when he blushed. Needless to say, Masky was head over heals for the twitching boy.

DONE, actually proud that I have been able to deliver 4 story's without a months wait in between them!

Tik Tok goes The Clock (Masky x Ticci Toby) Where stories live. Discover now