The first encounter

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NEW STORY CUBS!!! Thank this one (due to the idea in our role plays) to my girlfriend, i don't know if she wanted me to tag her or not but yeah ha!

Toby had just left the blood-sight that was his house, both hatchets in his right hand whilst a can of gasoline was in another. He was twitching like mad whilst cussing under his breath. He had gotten himself into shit and it was time to get himself back out in the only way he knew how, that was death. He started to tip the gasoline out onto the street until he reached the square. Toby knew what he had to do next.

He started to run in circles until all the gasoline was used, and then he brought the matchsticks from out of his pocket. He slowly lite one, seeing the flame engulf the tiny stick, and threw it onto a patch of gasoline. That then caused a chain reaction, the fire gliding it's way across all the gasoline. It was a beautiful sight, if you didn't focus on the fact that everything was literally burning.

Toby knew this would be his end. The fire was to close for comfort and he already hear the sirens closing in from afar, so he took action into his own hand. He knew he wouldn't be able to handle prison, or juvie whichever they put him in, so he took the easy way out. He was edging towards the fire inch by inch until static filled his ears, burning him from the inside. The noise was so unbearable that Toby collapsed to his knees and let out a horrific scream.

Suddenly a voice echoed through Toby's head
"TobY LIstEN To mE, DoNT dO tHIs To YoUrseLf. FOllOw Me."
A faceless being appeared at the end of that sentence, his long arm extended towards Toby. Not understanding fully what was happening, Toby grasped the hand which pulled him up. He was then teleported into the woods, still seeing the very faint glow of fire beyond the many layers of trees.

Walking was what came next, a lot of silent walking. It didn't fell right to Toby, especially when he had many questions spiralling through his head like: 'why was he here?' or 'where was this being taking him?' or 'who even is the being?'. They just kept going on and on.

After about an hour of walking at least, Toby was gonna burst! He had to say something before he exploded so he muttered
"Who-o actually ar-re you anyw-ay-ay?"
The being looked at Toby, well not really looked because it didn't have a face, just a plain white slate. They were also wearing a suit but Toby wasn't one to misgender, if that were possible in this case.

The being replied
"Obviously one would want to know who I am, I am Slenderman. And to answer those questions spiralling in your head that have been bugging me for the past hour, I go by he/him, we are heading to the Slender Mansion and you have been 'selected' as you've said as you are a special case of misfortune and murder as my other proxy's put it."

Toby was confused even more now. How could this being, or slenderman, know his thoughts?!? It was all unreal to him but he kept quiet as they approached a large black mansion. 'It's huge!' Though Toby as he came up next to slenderman.

Slenderman knocked a pattern onto the mansions door and it opened. As it opened, Toby saw a whole lot of chaos inside. There was a blonde midget fighting with a tall man with long black hair, a man in a mask eating cheesecake and talking to a man in a hoodie, a small girl chasing around a demented dog and so on. It looked like a whole family get together. Everyone stopped dead in their tracks once they spotted Slenderman though.

"I leave you lot for what, 3 hours, and this is the mess I come home to! Ben! Jeff! Stop fighting over the television! Sally! If Smile dog doesn't want to play then don't force him to! And hoodie, masky! I ask you to make sure that the house is tidy for when I get back and you two are scoffing cheesecake?!? I'm ashamed of you all! And where the hell is EJ and LJ!?!"

You could tell that Slenderman was the authority figure of the household. From what Toby could tell they were all freaks, mess ups and insane people like him, which felt weird as he'd been criticised for it.

"Anyway," Slenderman started "I want everyone to get into line and introduce themselves to the new member of the household, Toby Rodgers!" Toby flinched at his last name being said. He hated it as it gave him memories of bad incidents.
"Could-could you no-ot say my l-last n-ame please, sir?" I asked politely and he nodded.

Once everyone was in a line they started to introduce themselves. First was Ben, then Jeff, then Eyeless jack, then Laughing Jack, then Sally, then Clockwork, then hoodie, and so on but when Toby caught eyes with Masky, who had taken his mask off and was wiping his face that was still covered in cheesecake, he was in shock. Masky was, to say the least, very handsome and charming but Toby never went by first impressions no matter how hard his head was beating.

"H-hi I'm t-Toby!" He introduced himself. Masky tolled his eyes with a smirk, he thought the little twitches were cute from the shot boy but ignored them for the most part. Masky places his hand out and went to shake Toby's but he flinched back slightly before taking the hand and shaking it.
"I'm Tim but most people call me Masky here, nice to meet you." Masky introduced himself.

As the day went by Masky realised that Toby had a deep and, well, sad backstory. Masky has the feeling inside he needed to protect him from everything. It was weird and yet nice. Masky wouldn't forget it.

HOW WAS IT!?! My new Masky x Ticci Toby book!!! No warning just boom! Ha like me as always! Hope you enjoyed it as I enjoy all your feedback!
Love you cubs!

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