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Love triangle time!!!

Hoodie new that both boys were in love with each other, but hoodie started to like Toby. Toby was adorable and sweet, like a cinnamon roll he needed to protect. He wondered if he could get him. He decided he'd make up a plan. A plan that could alter his friendship with Tim and alter his blossoming friendship with Toby.

He made his way to Toby's room, knocking quietly. But when it opened, he didn't expect the person who opened it.
"Brian what do you want?" Tim asked, annoyed.
"I wanted to check on Toby after how drunk he got..." he answered.
"He's fine, no need to worry. I made sure he had some painkillers and water. He has been puking a lot but that's natural." Masky responded.
"Yeah, that's good. Can you tell Toby to meet me by the lake later today. I need to tell him something." Hoodie asked.
"Yeah sure, I guess. See ya Brian" Masky said, wondering what he would want.
"Bye Tim!" Hoodie said, walking away.

Hoodie got to his room and wondered if he should go mask or no mask... in the end he decided no mask. Maybe Toby would be more attracted to him then. He wasn't an unattractive guy but he did have his flaws. Like the little scar across his nose. He got into a black shirt and some jeans. He made his way downstairs and went to the lake.

Toby finished puking, with Masky rubbing his back, and flushed for the 20th time. He was suffering from a sever hangover and he knew it. He didn't like the head ache at all. It was killing even with the pain killers. He looked at Masky, pleading him to help it stop.
"All you can do Toby is rest and sleep, it should go by the afternoon, and it it 8:00 so it is worse at this time." Masky said trying to reassure the young boy.
"Okay, I'm gonna go back to bed..." Toby said
"Oh and Hoodie asked if you could meet him by the lake later today."
"Okay, Masky... can you lie with me?" Toby asked blushing. Masky nodded and got into bed with Toby. Toby realised it made him so much warmer than being on his own.

Toby snuggled up to Masky and soon fell asleep again, the headache drifting away from existence. Masky looked down at Toby and smiled. He knew that it may never happen, him and Toby, but he could dream. Masky soon fell asleep, Toby snuggled in his arm.

Hoodie was still waiting by the lake, sitting down with his legs out in-front of him. He looked at the gloss of the water as he heard footsteps approach. It had been 2 hours. Hoodie looked up to see the twitching boy looking around.
"Toby!" Hoodie called out and Toby stood rooted to the spot looking at him, then Hoodie remembered that Toby had never seen him maskless.
"Don't worry Toby, it's me Hoodie." Hoodie explained and you could see the fear fade from Toby's face.
"H-hi h-h-Hoodie!" Toby smiled at Hoodie. He sat down next to him, his hair flowing, as hoodie thought, gorgeously.

"S-so w-wha-t did you want?" Toby asked, his arm jerking.
"I wanted to tell you something, well, important. I know it's only been around a month almost but I think I like you... a lot. It's not definite but I know there's something there, some form of attraction." Hoodie babbled on. Toby looked at him in shock. He knew he liked Masky, loads, but Hoodie was really kind and sweet.
"I-i don-t k-know ho-oodie... I li-ike mas-s-sky al-lot and i a-also li-ik-e y-you... j-just gi-ive mr time" toby said, twitching. Hoodie nodded, understanding Toby would feel conflicted with the overwhelming emotion.

"Let's just focus on the lake then, I think ducks normally come here and I brought some bread just in case." Hoodie said, just as ducks started to fill the lake.
"C-can I have some bread?" Toby asked, and hoodie handed him a piece of bread. Toby tossed some into the lake and the ducks all chased after it, Toby's face lit up with delight.
"I n-eve-r g-go-t to fee-d duc-ks w-when I was you-nnger, m-y dad wo-ould never let us ou-t the ho-us-e at all ac-tual-ly. We us-ed to be hap-py, un-ttil I sta-rte-ed sho-wwing ba-d sig-ns of my Tou-rrette's" Toby said, a little sad.

"It's okay Toby, you are now and that's what matters." Hoodie said, and Toby smiled at him. Toby scooted closer to Hoodie and continued to feed the ducks, laughing and having fun.

Little did they know, Masky was watching and stalking the boys. Jealousy burned deep within him, toby was his and he wasn't gonna let his best friend steal him from him. No, not his best friend... his enemy. Masky knew it was pathetic, and dramatic, but he wasn't gonna let Toby go that easy. Masky had a plan to make Toby like him more and he knew it would work. A date to Waffle House should win him over, Toby's obsessed with waffles.

Masky jumped up the tree, undetected and climbed across enough trees until he was not able to be seen by the boys, and legged it home. He wrote Toby a letter and slipped it under his door, then left and waited for Toby's return.

Are you on team Masky? Or are you team hoodie? The question still stands. See you next time in the story!!!

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