The tea party

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I'm firing these like boom boom boom, or at least until I loose all will in life.

Toby decided that he was bored. He didn't know what to do in the mansion, he didn't even know where everything was! Maybe he could find Jeff? Or Ben? Or maybe if he was desperate he'd play dress up with Sally? Wait... how about Masky!

Toby got out of bed and made his way to maskys room. He knocked on and he didn't get an answer, so he knocked again. With no answer it called for desperate measures.
"Hey Masky? Hey Masky? Hey Masky? Hey Masky?" Toby repeated over and over again. It was his only way to get someone's attention. He used to do it with Lyra when she was in a mood, but it did make it worse now that he thought of it.

Suddenly the door barged open, Masky standing there. He looked annoyed and tired.
"What do you want Toby?" He stared blankly at him.
"I-i got bo-bored and wan-n-nted to kn-ow i-f yo-uu wa-nte-ed to do som-eth-ething with me?" Toby looked at him innocently, like a child.

Masky didn't feel like doing anything that day, he was just feeling lazy.
"How about you ask someone else toby?"
Toby looked a little deflated, he wanted to hang out with Masky but he knew he couldn't argue the toss (it's a saying I say sorry if you don't get it). He nodded and left.

"Maybe I could go play with-" but before toby could finish his sentence he was taken out but Sally. She was crying and looked hurt.
"A-are you okay?" Toby said, worried for the smaller girl.
"J-Jeff said I was a-a whinny b-brat!!!"
Toby hugged her, knowing what she felt like.

"YOU WHINNY SPOILT BRAT!" He yelled in my face, which was stinging. He was backing me into a corner, his belt in hand, ready to whack me.
"YOU WERE A MISTAKE! YOUR MOTHER SHOULD HAVE SWALLOWED YOU." He sprayed more insults in my face. He whacked me with the belt into my face, then he turned me and whacked my back. The lashes stung.

A tear rolled down Toby's eye from the horrible memories. He decided he should protect Sally, like a little sister. Just the way Lyra protected him from their father.
"Hey Sally, how about we go play dress up tea party?" Toby asked her with a sincere smile.

She looked at him with glee and, without a word, grabbed him and rushed to her room. Once they entered, toby noticed it was covered in pink. It hurt his eyes but he knew that this was only the start of his misery.
"Okay so what size are you?" Sally asked Toby. It was a weird question to ask but Toby decided to answer anyway.
"I'm a small in male but in female I think that's an equivalent to a ladies 16-18 if I'm not mistaken?" Toby said. Sally nodded and started rummaging through her dresser.

She suddenly pulled out a blue and grey dress. It looked like it could fit toby.
"You can go get changed in there!" She pointed to a changing room. Toby sighed, excepting defeat and got changed into the dress. One he was out he actually liked the dress.

It was flowy and long. The top part was a sparkly grey and the bottom was a greyish blue. Toby actually thought he suited it.
"The final touch!" Sally screamed, placing a small tiara on top of Toby's head.
"It's perfect! Now let's have tea!" Sally said, excited for the tea party. She had it all set up in the time it took Toby to dress.

They sat and enjoyed tea, Toby enjoyed playing along and his inner child showed more and more.
"May you pass the sugar, queen Sally of Candyland?" Toby asked in a posh voice
"Of course, princess Toby of Waffle." She passes the sugar to Toby.

-5 minutes later, brought to you by Masky and a nosebleed-

Slenderman made his way upstairs to call everyone to diner. All he had left was Sally and Toby. He made his way to Sally's room. Once he opened the door he found Toby and Sally having a tea party.
"You two, dinners ready..." Slenderman said, holding in his laughter. Both nodded and Toby, forgetting about the dress and tiara made his way downstairs with Sally, who was holding his hand. Before he could realise he was wearing what he was, once they got downstairs at least, Sally yelled:

Toby flinched blushing, seeing the look on maskys face. Masky was blushing and had a slight nosebleed. Masky knew he had one and knew exactly why, Toby looked cute as hell. The dress really fitted his figure.
"I'm g-g-goi-ng t-to g-ee-t cha-ang-ged!!!" Toby ticked. He ran off, lifting the skirt up slightly, showing he was wearing a pair of heels. Clockwork yelled:
It was true, not a lot of people (and men in that matter) can run, upstairs, in heels but everyone put it down to his CIPA (inability to feel pain)

"Hey, Masky, are you okay there bud?" Hoodie asked Masky, wondering as of his nosebleed. Masky wipes his nose and brushes the question off, no WAY was he going to let anyone know his feelings for Toby... 'WAIT WHAT FEELINGS!!! MASKY SNAP OUT OF IT!!!' He thought.

DONE AND A QUICK UPDATE!!! UNLIKE ME HA! Hope you liked it cubs!!!
Peace out cubs! See ya! ❤️

Tik Tok goes The Clock (Masky x Ticci Toby) Where stories live. Discover now