16.1: Destruction

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"Alright, time to go," Bea said, "we can't stay out here too long. It might look like there are no dodos here, but it might still be dangerous."

Swift and I followed into the shaded part of the forest. Everyone was talking except for Speedy and Della. Speedy turned to us as we entered. "Is everything all right?"

"Yes," I answered, emotionlessly. "I think I'm ready to go now, if you all are."

"All right," Speedy bowed with his head. "Della?"

"Right," she said. "Let's get this task over with."

Then, in a leader-like voice, she said, "everyone!"

They turned to her and Speedy. "I think we've all had time to settle down, and mentally prepare ourselves," Speedy spoke, "if you're all ready, we should get going to find the dodo caves."

"What about the other cadets?" Rod asked.

"Bea and I settled things with them before our arrival. They would be here within an hour and a half, at most."

"Well, we don't have much time, do we?" Swift asked.

Speedy nodded. "So are you ready?" His voice rose.

"Yeah!" Called everyone except for Swift and I, some raising their wings.

"I can't hear you!"

Swift and I held wings and raised them between us. Then, all of us echoed, "YEAH!!!"

"That's the spirit!" Bea smiled. "Now let's hope we can save the rest of that enthusiasm for the actual task."

Speedy clicked on a watch on his wrist. It lit up, displaying a holographic location mark. "Now come on, this way." He pointed to the bushes behind us.

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