Chapter Seventeen: Part Two: Fall

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I'm goin' to marry you someday... I promise. Tierra's words rang loudly in Britt's mind as she absentmindedly washed Cian's hair in the sink. Tierra hadn't expressed any hint toward proposing. In fact, she'd been rather distant lately, but not to the point of remaining cold. To the contrary, Tierra was anything but cold and the warmth thinking of her brought flooded her chest as she smiled.

No, not cold at all. Britt pondered as she put a bit more soap into Cian's hair. Maybe...just distant... That was really the only way to describe Tierra's recent behaviour and it concerned Britt, keeping her up throughout the night. What if Tierra regretted having thought of a proposal...?

Britt sighed, but grinned as she heard Cian humming one of her newer songs, hearing little hitches in his notes. She leaned over and found him resting along the sink with his stomach as he kicked his legs out behind himself, giggling at the excitement every little thing brought to Cian's life. He was so alive, so happy. She hadn't ever seen him this animated, and he was already so energetic back in Chicago to the point she worried he may burst at the seams. Yet here, things were different. This excitement she found coating her son's everything throughout every single new day in Shamrock was met with it by all those around him. It was like it only spawned his enthusiasm and it was undying.

As Britt scrubbed the nape of his neck, he giggled and kicked his legs back rather hard, nearly plummeting. At the last moment, a large hand grasped his jeans along his belt and kept him afloat. Both mother and son gazed toward the owner and Britt felt her face warm.

"Evenin', sugar." Tierra gazed into her eyes for a moment, then leaned in and kissed her cheek, rubbing her own there for a moment. She pulled back and set Cian back down onto the stool underfoot. She turned him around and covered his head with a towel, making sure to keep the suds from his eyes. "Hey, Junior, do you think you can help me with somethin' this weekend? It'll be just you, me and Ossie. What do ya say?"

"Really? Just us?" Cian bobbed up and down on the stool, but Tierra kept him balanced, holding the stool steady. She sent a smile up at Britt and as she melted, she placed a hand atop Cian's head, stabilizing his towel. He glanced up at her with sparkling eyes. "Can I, mama?"

"I don't see why not, monkey."

At this Cian hopped off of the stool and Tierra pivoted out of the way as he shot his little fists into the air. "Alright! I'm gonna get ready for bed so it gets here faster!" He disappeared behind the kitchen wall before Britt could get a word out about his hair, calling, "I can do the rest up here, mama! Thank you!"

"You're welcome, love." Britt called around the corner as she followed after him, wiping the suds from the floor that had scattered about in his wake. She chuckled under her breath and felt two relaxing arms come around her torso, snugly holding her against the owner's sturdy form. Tierra rested her chin on her shoulder and began directing her toward the living room. "What are you up to, darlin'."

Tierra's low, amused hum reverberated against her and she tried to turn, but she kept her facing forward. "I have somethin' to show ya."

As they rounded the corner, she was met with a Gibson Hummingbird sitting on the love seat. Britt stared at it in awe, spotting certain discerning nicks within the mahogany along the back and sides, but the bulk were along its neck bearing a recognizable set of initials. She felt her eyebrows raise as tears escaped past her lids, cascading down her cheeks.

"Is this why you've been so distant--"

"Distracted." Tierra interjected as she moved to her side, gazing deeply into her eyes. "But only for a bit. I needed to find it for you. If I had known you were coming back..." She looked down, finding a spot on the floor very interesting, but Britt turned to face her. She took her face into her hands and pulled her down, kissing her nose. Tierra visibly turned to jelly, swept up into her as she wrapped her in her arms and smiled. "Damn, sugar. I needed that. Anyhow, I'm sorry I ever pawned it. I wanted to get it back for you."

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