Chapter Twenty-Five: Part Four: Spring

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Tee stood with her back to the backdrop decorating their ceremony grounds, looking out as Tabi made her way down the aisle. She dropped red and cream flowers along the tapestry that lined the ground and walked barefoot just as Laurel had, making Tee deduce the same of Britt. Still that was all she could assume as no one was revealing a thing on her appearance aside from it being beautiful.

It was and Tee knew that the moment their song serenaded her bride down the aisle toward her. It hadn't taken the full year, but Tee was sure Britt's uncle wouldn't protest to them jumping the gun a bit early. Definitely not with the love that encompassed Tee's entire being, bringing her to tears as she spotted Britt.

The tears just flooded her cheeks as she watched the love of her life walking toward her, completely shattering her resolve to remain calm. She was such a sight. Her dress fit her wonderfully, showing the legs Tee always enjoyed caressing or having wrapped around herself late into the night. She was breathtaking.

Tee covered her mouth in astonishment that this woman would be with her each and every night, feeling her knees grow weak the closer she drew. Britt was literally glowing. It wasn't like they hadn't already tied the knot as far as the courts went, she was technically her wife already, but this was different. This felt different.

Britt was the most stunning she'd ever seen her, practically humming with beauty as she finally arrived at her. Her mother walked over from her standing place beside Laurel, took her hand and kissed her cheek. She sent a pleased nod toward Tee and took her bouquet, taking a seat in the front row. Tee, unable to hide her enthusiasm or fight the tickle in her fingers, extended her hand and Britt took it.

As the crowd sat down and they turned toward Uncle Craig, Tee kept her eyes on Britt. "You look amazin'. You take my breath away."

Britt giggled and kissed her cheek, but Uncle Craig wiggled his hand between them with a chastising click of his tongue. "We ain't there just yet, ladies." The crowd laughed and they separated ever so slightly, turning toward one another. "Well, I've never done this before, so bear with me, folks.

"We're gathered here today to get these two hitched and it's about time." Tee chuckled and took Britt's other hand as well, placing a kiss along her knuckles. "Now what did I just say, Tee? We'll get there, youngin'. Okay, these two were attached at the hip throughout their childhood and I do mean that literally. Y'all have seen it and it appears we've come full circle yet again. With that, I couldn't be happier for you both. Marriage is a commitment, an agreement to keep your vows and never betray one another. If I believe anything, it is that you both will stand the test of time. You practically already have. Cian?"

Junior jogged up and handed him the pillow with rings, then joined Claudia in the seats, bouncing as he watched with a fervent eye.

"Now, I hear y'all have written your own vows." Tee's uncle continued, then gestured toward Britt. "Brittany, would you like to share them with Tierra now?"

"Yes, very much so." She cradled Tee's hands along her chest and gazed into her eyes. "You are the love of my life. You keep sayin' I saved you, but darlin', don't you know you're my saving grace as well? You make me feel alive in ways I never believe possible. You make me feel whole. Every moment I spend with you is like a moment from heaven and I cannot wait to spend the remainder of my life with you and our son at my side. I will love you, cherish you and care for you. This I promise you till kingdom come."

"Gosh, I love you!" Tee exclaimed as she leaned in, but Uncle Craig cleared his throat.

"I ain't told ya to do that yet." Again, their friends and family laughed and she grunted as she stared intently into Britt's ocean eyes. "Your vows?"

"Yeah, yeah, old man. I got it." Britt threw her head back in harmonious laughter and finally gazed back at her, prompting the words dancing along her tongue to release. "I mean it. I love you. I love the way you can't make coffee to save your life, you hum everywhere you're goin' and take my breath away daily. I know I'd be lost without you and our son. And I can't wait to have more and more with you. You came into my life when I needed you most. You always have, Britt." Tee brushed away a stray tear coasting down her cheek and cradled her face in her hands. "I can't believe I've gotten so lucky over and over and you are at the center of that. I will love you, cherish and care for you. This I promise till kingdom come."

This time, unable to fight her obvious jubilance, Britt leapt forward and threw her arms around Tee. She pulled her into a tight embrace she never wanted to end and sobbed into her shoulder.

"I love you, Brittany. I always will." Tee whispered into her ear, and then pulled back, holding her knuckles up to her lips. "Till kingdom come."

Britt mouthed their phrase along with her with droplets in her eyes as she held her hands against her chest, then bit down on her bottom lip.

"Well, I'm sold!" Uncle Craig chimed in and Tee noticed everyone sitting at the edge of their seats as they gleamed. He held out the pillow and Tee took the ring for Britt while she took the other. "Do you both swear to uphold the vows you've said here in front of our family and friends?"

"Yes." They answered in unison as they slipped the rings onto one another's fingers.

"Then kiss already! I know you're chompin' at the bit!"

Tee swept Britt up in her arms and kissed her like she was life itself. Britt wrapped her arms around her shoulders as she slightly dipped her, breaking from their kiss only momentarily. She kissed her nose, then both her cheeks and finally claimed her lips with as much passion as she could muster.

Britt pulled her head back and rubbed her cheek along hers as she hoisted her back into a standing position. "I love you, Tierra Donaghue. And I always will."

* * *

"Please, join me in welcoming the new couple, Brittany and Tierra Donaghue!" DJ Kenny announced over the loudspeakers as they walked into the smaller of the pavilions.

All their friends and family were circled around as they took the dancefloor and the music swelled. This was the one thing Tierra had requested to select and as much as Britt expected it to be their typical song, it wasn't at all.

Meet Me in the Woods by Lord Huron played out of the speakers and filled the room with a giddiness Britt felt in her bones. Tierra pulled her in as they arrived at the center of the pavilion and quickly took up step. She swayed and cascaded Britt through the room just as they had in all their days together as Britt gathered the tail of her dress in her hand. The skirt flipped and drifted through the air as Tierra carried her around, always leading her in the most eloquent of moves that touched her very soul.

Music and dance. Farm life and Cian. Family and harmony. They all melded them together into one as they carried on with the music as if they were the only two in the building. Britt wrapped her arms around Tierra's neck and beamed up at her, unable to contain her enthusiasm as the song that reunited them serenaded their dance. Everything had come to fruition, blossoming in the most soul crushing, yet ravenous of ways, encompassing her in a cocoon of warmth that would never fade.

Tierra pulled her up, speaking over her lips, "I love you, Britt. You, our family. It's everything."

She kissed her and they swayed into a waltz that would carry them throughout life and till kingdom come.

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