Chapter Eight: Part One: Summer

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This chapter contains elements of alcohol dependency.

Tee stood in her room staring at her empty suitcase as she ground her teeth. Could she really do this? Could she really put this weight, this trepidation littered burden on Britt? On a child beginning anew and an old love who'd remained ever-present in her heart? She sighed and sat down on her bed, contemplating her next actions for a bit before someone came to visit. Upon hearing a knock at her door, she turned to find Addy.

She came inside and sat down beside her, keeping her eyes on the large window ahead as she tapped her fingers along her thigh. "How have you been?"

Tee turned her gaze in the same direction, replying, "As good as I can be, 'nd you?"

"Feeling a bit more clear than I have in months. I... I owe you an apology, Tee."

"I think we both could've been better, so that ain't necessary."

"Still...I wish I'd handled myself better. I don't know why I didn't, especially when I finally got to be with you. There really isn't an explanation for my behavior, but I am going to make amends. I had a good, long talk with my mom and just know I have a lot of work to do on myself. You were right to end things."

"Addy..." She couldn't bring herself to look at her, knowing her guilt would take her over.

"No, really, you were. And I'm sorry I couldn't help you. I think I need to do some growing up on my own. When all is said and done, though, can we maybe... Can we get together and talk? And I do mean just talk. Perhaps like on a genuine outing? As friends?"

Tee simply nodded, unable to verbally confirm what she didn't know, then leaned in as Addy did to hug her. It was a brief embrace, but spoke volumes as she ran her fingers through the back of her hair. Sadly, the truth was that Addy was a dear friend to her, but also someone she'd hurt during her downfall whose effect caused her to drink even more. They were enablers when together and always had been. The best thing would be for them to spend as little time together as possible for the meantime, and possibly even longer into their futures. They needed separate futures for both their sake.

They pulled apart and Tee gave her a saddened smile, knowing they may not see one another again any time soon. Addy placed a tender kiss along her cheek and left without another word, leaving Tee staring at her suitcase again. She stood and glanced around her room at the clothes strewn everywhere, then began rifling through them in search of the nearly empty bourbon bottle she'd discarded earlier.

She found it near the window and as she raised it to her lips, she peered outside over her front lawn. As she looked around the property for a bit and turned her gaze toward their neighbors, she took a swig every now and again before she found Cian Junior playing on something that sent a chill down her spine and the bottle crashing to the floor.

* * *

Britt was in a panic. She couldn't find Cian when she went to wake him that morning, surprised he hadn't crawled into bed with her during the night like usual, and had frantically gone out looking for him after searching the entire house. She finally spotted him in the front pasture near their now empty horse stables and let a wave of relief take her over as she stepped closer, but saw just what he was attempting. Her heart nearly stopped.

Cian, still in his pajamas and socks, was on top of one of the large hay bales they kept for the horses, but right next to it sat the mower/conditioner and he was entirely too close to falling atop it. There was a power washer nearby, but it appeared as though whoever was about to clean it had walked away. Britt was sure they hadn't ever thought a child would be up and about outside before the sun had completely risen, jumping around atop the bales nearby, but Cian loved exploring the properties. As Britt's heart sank in her gut, she ran as fast as her legs would carry her toward her son.

"Cian! Get off of there!!"

As he spun mid-air to look her way, he came down and finally lost his precarious balance, plummeting toward the arm of the mower below. As he hit it and his little legs turned toward the blades, Britt felt the life leave her and her muscles turn rigid, but before she could call out or make it to him, someone else slid in place. As he tumbled toward the actual sickle mower, Tierra jutted her arms underneath him and pivoted him out of the way, but lost her balance.

"Tierra!!" Britt called as she made it to them.

She extended her arms, but Tierra threw Cian into them and fell backward. As she was just about to hit the mower, Britt latched onto her flannel with one hand and Tierra threw her left outward as if to catch herself on the guard. Her hand slipped right past it and she screamed at the top of her lungs as Britt saw red.

She leaned back with all her might and was sent to the ground, cradling Cian against her chest as Tierra crashed into them. Cian began to cry and Britt rushed to look over his body as Tierra sat back on her heels. She began to do the same, catching Cian with her unhurt arm as he wobbled on his feet and clutched his arm. It was broken and the tears swelled in both Britt's and his eyes, then Tierra grunted. Britt saw blood coating her hand and wrist from a large gash along her forearm, trickling down her fingertips as she stood.

Before Britt knew what was happening, Tierra had Cian in her arms and was nodding toward her truck parked just past the cattle grate. "My keys are in my pocket. Go get the truck started and meet us at the guard. Quickly!"

Britt, pushing past her panic and tears, reached into Tierra's jean's and found the keys, doing as she was told. She ran at full-speed, hurtling herself past the cattle guard and made it to the truck. As she sparked it up and backed away from the pig pen, she spotted Tierra making it over the guard. She parked next to her and hopped out, taking Cian, who was now completely bawling his eyes, into her arms and placing several peppered kisses to his head.

Britt heard herself crying against him, but it felt as though it was another person, the sound was so odd. She felt a hand on her back and craned her head up, cradling her son against her chest. Tierra squinted at her as blood ran from a small cut above her left temple and Britt felt her blood run cold as her usually solid build wobbled backward.

"Come on, darlin'!" Britt told her as she took hold of her arm and gingerly led her around the truck. She began to help her up into it, but struggled with Cian in her arms and Tierra's size difference.

Soon, she heard footsteps quickly approaching. It was Oscar. "What happened?" He hurriedly looped an arm around Tierra's waist and helped her into the passenger's seat.

"Cian was playing on the Alfalfa bales by our stables and nearly fell on top of the mower/conditioner, but Tierra caught him before he could hit the blades and was cut badly on her arm. We need to get them both to the hospital. I think his arm is broken...!"

"Give me him and hop in."

Once she had, Britt helped Tierra, who appeared entirely too groggy and discombobulated for her liking, scoot over to the middle and he gave Cian back to her, closing her door. As he got into the driver's side and pulled out onto the pebbled road, Britt wrapped her left arm around Tierra's shoulders, pulling her head toward herself so it wouldn't fall back.

She graciously accepted her shoulder, letting out a grunt as she craned her neck to gaze toward Cian. "He'll be alright... He'll be alright..."

Britt felt her heart break and kissed her forehead, running her fingers through her brown, kinky curls. "He's alive because of you, Tierra. He will be alright."

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