Chapter Fifteen: Part Two: Fall

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This chapter contains elements of alcohol dependency.

Britt stood at the kitchen sink, tiny creature in hand and none the wiser her greatest adversary was sneaking up from behind. "Good morning, Brittany."

She yelped as she tucked the rabbit kit into her chest protectively, then grimaced. Being faced with one's mother so early in the morning wasn't something that should bring about tentativeness, but she felt it nonetheless. With a sigh, Britt tried to clear herself from her funk and flashed a bright smile toward her mother, determined not to let their previous arguments over the last few days deter her stellar mood.

"What is that?" Claudia asked as she walked to the dining table and pulled out a chair.

Britt pet the kit along its tiny head and moved to the cabinets beside the refrigerator. "Oscar found him by the new crop of Alfalfa we've been seeding all morning and he has a piece of twine wrapped around his little leg." She grabbed a medium sized bowl from the cabinet and went back to the sink, setting it inside after turning on the water. After testing it with the elbow of her free arm until it was to the right temperature, Britt let it fill the bowl and turned off the faucet. "I'll get the string cut off and bathe him, but I think we'll keep this little guy around awhile."

She smiled as she lifted him from her chest and touched noses with him. His small nose rubbed against hers as he let out the most minuscule breaths she'd ever heard. So cute! Cian will be so good with him... Britt gathered what she needed along with the shampoo she kept along the back of the sink, then joined her mother at the table. As she sat down, she spotted Claudia staring at the shampoo bottle, then smirked when she sent her speculative gaze toward the kitchen sink.

"I wash Cian and Tierra's hair in the sink when they've had a particularly dirt-filled day. Well, Tierra actually likes to wash my hair now that she has her braids, but either way, that's why it's there." As soon as the slew of words left her lips, Britt noticed her mother's grimace was growing and shook her head, knowing what was about to come and hoping it would be the last time.

"So, you and she are together now? Again...?"

"Mom, please don't start. I've had a lovely mornin', got to cuddle with my family before the day even really started and am in a good place. I don't understand why Tierra is such a sore subject with you aside from what I've heard you secretly told her, but you don't have to worry about me finding...that out..." Britt stopped readying her materials and stared at her mother for a moment through a furrowed brow. It didn't make any sense. If she didn't want Britt finding out the truth, then perhaps her animosity toward Tierra would make sense, but she deduced her mother already knew of her previous schemes. So, what was the source of her ire? She set the bunny onto the table and once it had settled she began stroking its back as she spoke. "Why are you so upset with my girlfriend?"

Her mother's eyes widened and she sat back, crossing her arms over her chest. "You can do better."

Britt shook her head and jerked it back, taken aback by the ease with which Claudia spoke. "How can you say that...?"

"She is someone you will have to guard the remainder of your life. You will practically be her caregiver. What mother would wish that on her child?" Claudia sat forward and set her crossed arms along the tabletop, looking rather determined into her daughter's eyes. "You already have your son to care for and that is challenging enough on its own, dear. What kind of mother would I be if I didn't tell you to really think about what you're doing?"

"What I'm doing..." Britt stood and stuffed her washcloth into her jeans. She took the shampoo under her arm and tucked the small animal against her chest once more as she picked up the bowl of water. "What I am doing is what anyone who loves another would do. I don't know what you were expecting in coming here first thing in the mornin' only to tell me I'm making a mistake, but I'd like you to leave. And this time, don't come back unless you are willing to--"

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