Tyler rushed over to me and help me back over to the seat we had been sitting on, I sat there in his arms just listening to the nurse on the phone to the police. I sat there in silence, I can't believe she hurt me, and she didn't even care. My mum was usually nice, she would never have done something like that, I just didn't understand. I felt a tear run down my face, i sniffed my nose and wiped away the tear, I was done win crying today. I rested my head on Tyler's shoulder, hugging him tight, I didn't want him to ever let me go. Being in his arms gives me this feeling, this feeling of such warmth and comfort, I get this weird feeling and I feel so happy just to be in that moment with him. Tyler could tell that I was in shock about what had just happened, he comforted me the way only he could comfort me, simply by holding my tight. I started to notice the pain in my wrist again when I accidentally bumped it, it had swollen and become extremely bruised as well as being a funny shape. I tried to ignore the pain, but the more I tried the worse it got. I heard A gentle knock on the door, I looked up to see a paramedic, he looked over to me then to my wrist. "I assume you're the Patient?" I nodded and stood up, I look, to Tyler scared, I didn't want to go on my own, I wanted to stay with him. Tyler looked to the nurse to ask if he could come, she just nodded already knowing what he was going to ask. "Come on then, off to the ambulance you two" the paramedic was cheerful and happy, I wanted to smile but I was in to much pain, more emotional pain then physical. As I followed the him out the door I turned to see the police talking to my mum, she looked over to me with such hate. "HER! It's all her fault" she pointed at me and came running as if she was going to attach me, the police grabbed her to stop her from coming any closer, mum just started screaming trying to fight the police off her. "Mum,why are you doing this?!" I screamed hysterically. She just yelled, screaming that it's all my fault. "Can you please go!" The police yelled, obviously trying to control my mother, I looked to Tyler in complete fear as he ushered me out the door. I just kind of walked, didn't say anything, tears just rolled down my face. I felt like I had been stabbed and my throat was burning, my own mother tried to attack me, why? I was so confused, hurt and mad. Why was she yelling, what have I done so wrong to make her do this. I could barely see through my tears, I look to Tyler who is now sitting next to me in the ambulance "Tyler what did I do?" I manage to get those words out before burning my face into his shirt and just crying uncontrollably, I didn't think I could cry anymore, I didn't know I had any tears left but somehow I managed to continue to cry the whole ride to the hospital. The paramedic gave me a green whist,e to help with the pain, but nothing could stop the pain I was feeling on the inside. We arrived at the hospital, I had stopped crying but I was still broken on the inside. The doctors ushered me and Tyler into a room, I sat down on a chair, emotionless. Tyler look at me concerned "are you ok?" I look down and shook my head, he didn't say anything just pulled me in for another hug. "Um I'm going to need to call an adult or carer?" The doctor said walking into the room, Tyler looked at me, I shook my head at him "I don't have anyone else here other then my, my mum" I said quietly. "I'll give you my mums number for now, Lilly is, urm her par..." That's when a police officer walked in. He took the doctor aside and talked to him, the doctor nodded and looked to me as if he felt sorry for me. He walked over and he suddenly sounded so caring, he rested his hand on my knee and look to Tyler "young man, what did you say your mothers number was?" Tyler gave the doctor his mums details, and with that the doctor walked off the call Tyler's mother. A few moment s later a nurse walked over "hey Lilly, would you like to come with me this way so we can go take a few X-rays on that wrist of yours".
I walked back into the room were Tyler was, "look it's pink," I tried to force a laugh as I showed him my cast. He showed me a caring smile "it looks very pretty," he stood up and pulled me into a kiss, even though I was still upset, that kiss was still magical. "I'm bags being the first to sign it" he giggle smiling at me, his smile was truly amazing. I sent and sat back down, it had been such a big day, I just needed to take it all in. Tyler's mum walked in with three hot chocolates in her hand, she saw me and came rushing over "oh sweetheart, you poor thing," she pulled me into a hug, she was so caring, a lot like Tyler. I sat there sipping my hot chocolate, I rested my head on Tyler's shoulder, I was so tired from everything that had happened. The same police officer from earlier walked in, he looked over to us, And started to walk over. "Urgh, Lilly we're going to have to keep you away from your mum for a little while, is there anywhere you could stay tonight, maybe your aunts?" I shook my head "what about my dad" he got my dads number and tried to call him, my dad picked up the phone, hearing his voice made me smile.
"Hello, mr.connel speaking"
"Hello, this is constable Ryan here. I was wondering if you're able to come pick up your daughter...."
I heard the phone hang up, the officer looked confused, he looked at me and must have been able to see the confusion on my face. "I'll call again, maybe he didn't mean to hang up" he tried to call, he tried three times, but the call was hung up straight away each time. The hope on my face faded, I look to Tyler in confusion and fear. "Ugh Lilly, is there anyone else" I shook my head "they all live over seas" before the officer could speak again Tyler's mum interrupted "she can stay with us" she she rested her hand on my shoulder, the officer smiled and nodded. He took Tyler's mum a few meters w
Away and talked to her about something, Tyler's mum looked shocked, she gave me a look of sympathy. Why does everyone keep looking at me like that.Tyler's mum(Bianca) took me back to my house, the police followed. The unlocked the door and told me to go pack a few of my cloths and to grab anything else I needed. I grabbed a few pairs of cloths and some chargers makeup, just whatever I thought I might need, no one would actually tell me how long I was going to be away from mum for, so I didn't really know how much to pack. I headed back to the front door with my bag full, I put my bag in Bianca's car and got in. We reached Tyler's house, and I walked straight up to his room. Tyler's dad left when he was a child, so he lived alone with his mum. "Would you like something to eat?" I wasn't hungry, I was to upset to eat, Tyler had already eaten at the hospital so he wasn't hungry either. "I'm really tired, I think I'll just go to bed," Tyler nodded and we walked up to his room, I got changed in front of him, I didn't really care about him seeing me half naked, I was comfortable with him anyway. I grabbed one of Tyler's shirts that he had left at my house once, I always wore it to bed, I chucked it on and slid into bed next to him. He wrapped his warm arms around me and kissed the top of my head, I cuddled into him as he ran his fingers through my hair, I could t help but think about how perfect this moment was, I slowly drifted into a deep sleep in his arms.

Crushing ❤️
JugendliteraturLilly is just a normal teenage girl. Lilly is always crushing on boys, it's a new boy every week. But the feelings for boys never really seem to last, that is antill the new boy Tyler moves into town and everything's starts to change. Is Lilly Conel...