I stare at the message, I'm scared to open it. I can tell Tyler is anxious to see what it says, but for some reason I can't bring myself to open it. I look to Tyler "Tyler, can you open it for me, please," he nods and taps the message.
Hey Lilly, I'm sorry, you must be so confused. But it's true, I have met another women, and yes she is pregnant. I'm sorry you had to find out the way you did, don't hate your mother for what I did. I know about your mother being in prison, and I thinks it's best if you come stay with me, in LA, until your mum gets out of jail.I could feel the anger boiling up inside me, who does he think he is? First he leaves us for some other women he has gotten pregnant, then he tells us he doesn't want anything to do with us, and now, now he wants me to leave my home, my school and my friends to go live with him. There is no way I'm going to leave, not for him. I throw my phone on the bed and just fall to the ground in tears, I feel familiar hands rest on my shoulders as Tyler sits down next to me. He pulled me into a hug, I think he already knew my answer to the question "he has no write to ask that of you, and he can't make you leave" he tries to reassure me.
I sniffle A little and hug into him, he pulls me up onto his bed so I'm not sitting on the floor. "It's been a long day, I think you need some rest," he pulls the blankets over me and holds me while I fall asleep.*Tylers pov*
I look down at Lilly while she cuddled into my chest, she is so peaceful when she sleeps. I smiled he pushed her hair off her face, she doesn't deserve any of this, I can't imagine what she must be going through. I'm pulled from my thoughts by a gentle knock on my door, my mum peeped her head through and saw Lilly was asleep "I'm just going to go get some dinner, I'll be back in about half an hour" she smiled and walked back out.I heard mums car pull up, as she opened the door the smell of chips and gravy filled the air. I gently shook Lilly awake "dinner is here if you want any" she nodded and sat up.
"Are you going to reply to your dad'" I ask her, she frowned at the thought of it. She reached over to her phone and started typing something, she sent it and smiled " done,"
"What did you say" give her a puzzled look, "I to,d him I'm not leaving and he can't make me" I nodded and shoved another chip into my mouth.
We sat in silence for a few moments "you know it's my birthday in a week" she said trying to start conversation. "Is it bad that I didn't even realise?" I jokingly push her, but I actually had completely forgotten. "Rude" she said pouting, I rolled my eyes and we both laughed.
I had to do something big for her birthday, it's her 16th, plus I want to give her something to be happy about, she deserves it after the week she has had.*a week later*
*lillys pov*
Today is the day, today I turn 16! I look in the mirror, i still have this stupid cast on my arm. Tyler wasn't in his room, I walk around the house looking for him, but no body was home. I walk into the kitchen, I see a note with a box next to it, curious I grab the not. It had my name on it, I opened the note and read it allowed to myself. 'Open the box, put it on, meet me outside at 2 xx' I smiled and excitedly opened the box, I took out some coloured tissue paper to reveal a beautiful hot pink dress.I rushed up stairs to get ready, by the quality of the dress I assumed we were going somewhere fancy. I took a 10 minute shower, i dried my hair the straightened it. I grabbed my makeup bag and started to put some foundation and mascara on. Once I was happy with my makeup I started to go over my hair again, I put my hair half up half down with a braid on the right side. I was surprised how nice it looked, I put a little more mascara on and touched up my eyebrows.
I slid on the dress, it was perfect it was slightly tight, it complimented my body perfectly. It had two thick straps and thick black ribbon which sat just under my boobs tiding into a bow at the back, the dress finished half way down my thigh. It was slightly tight till just under the ribbon where it came out slightly, the dress didn't show to much cleavage, thankfully, The dress was just perfect. I checked the time, I had 20 minutes, so I touched up my makeup again and put some high heels on, they weren't to high, just a comfortable height.
I smile at the mirror happy with the way I look and head down stairs, I started to wonder where Tyler may be taking me. I headed outside to see Tyler waiting by his friends car "damn you look better then I thought you would!" He smiled licking his lips pulling me into a gentle kiss. " where are we going?" I ask giggling "it's a surprise," he said smirking. He opened the door for me and I sat in the passenger seat of the car, he rushed around to the drivers side and got in, he looked over to me and smiled.
The whole car ride their just kept looking at me and smiling, I really wanted to know where we were going. we pulled up at Amy's house, I looked at him confused, he giggled and got o of the car, he rushed over and opened my door for me "Tyler..." He cut me off "just wait and see ok" he took my hand and we walked up to the door, he knocked on it and glanced over at me and smiled, I started to think it might be a surprise party. Amy opened the door and smiled "are you ready to go" Tyler asked Lilly, the thought of a surprise party left my mind. "Yeah I just have to g an something, come on inside" she smiled ushering us in.
She rushed into the kitchen and we slowly walked down the hall way into the direction of the kitchen. Lilly came rushing out with a cake, I smiled then all of a sudden all my friends and people from my school jumped out from nowhere. I screamed a little, It scared me I really wasn't expecting it. "happy birthday" every one yelled, I threw my hands over my mouth and smiled "happy birthday beautiful" Tyler said pulling me into a hug. I walked over to amy who was still holding the cake, everyone crowed around as I blew out the candles. Amy sat the cake on a table and pulled me into a big hug "happy birthday girly," "thanks" I said smiling at her. Suddenly some music started playing and everyone was dancing "party time" I heard someone yell. I walked into the lounge room which was decorated and had a table full of alcohol and snacks, grabbed a drink and walked over to Tyler. Everyone kept coming over and wishing me happy birthday, I was having such a good time. Everyone was getting drunk, I poured more alcohol down my throat, as I danced the night away, I didn't want to get to drunk, I wanted to remember this night.
I walked over to Tyler who was leaning up against a wall talking to some of his mates " hello birthday girl" he picked me up and kissed me "who organised all this?" I asked smiling "I did, with a little help from amy" he giggled "this is so perfect, you're so perfect, thank you, for everything" I hugged him. "I love you Lilly, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you" he said smiling but also looking a little nervous "I love you to," I smiled.
"I can't imagine myself with any one else other then you Lilly, I'm Being serious' he said staring into my eyes. "I feel the exact same way," I said smiling, and I meant every word of it. "Forever?" He said smiling, I kissed him passionately "yes, forever"

Crushing ❤️
Novela JuvenilLilly is just a normal teenage girl. Lilly is always crushing on boys, it's a new boy every week. But the feelings for boys never really seem to last, that is antill the new boy Tyler moves into town and everything's starts to change. Is Lilly Conel...