I started to make my way to class, hoping I would see Tyler, right now he was the only one who could cheer me up. I was a little earlier then usual, none of my mates were at school yet so I sat in home group alone. I went to check my phone only to realise I didn't have it, I started to worried that Tyler would be worried why I wasn't messaging him back. i needed to vent to someone so bad about what had happened, thankfully lelia walk through the door. I rushed over Hugging her, but instead of hugging me back she pushed me away. I gave her a puzzled look.
'lelia, what's wrong?'
'You can't just ditch us for your new friends then expect to be Abel to come running back to us, you can shove our friendship up your arse for all I care' Lelia snapped at me
'Lelia i, im sorry ok, I didn't mean to upset you guys I just got so caught up with Tyler And...
'I don't want to hear your pathetic excuses Lilly, you can get fucked' i stood there shocked at what Lelia had just said, she walk away and sat and across the room. I was in complete shock, did I really just lose my closest friend? A felt a lump start to form in my throat, I managed to push it down, she had every reason to be mad, I deserved it. Amy wasn't in my homeroom and I wasn't even sure if she was at school yet, so even if I wanyed to talk to her I wouldn't be able to find her. I sat in silence waiting for Tyler, he should be at school by now, I mean Lelia catches the same bus as him. I walked to his locker but he wasn't there, I continued looking around the school but I was out of luck, maybe he isn't coming to school today, I though to myself. I headed back to class, on my way I walked past dan and his group of friends, apparently Sam was bestfriends with dan now. I tried to ignore them, I just look straight ahead and kept walking.
'Where is your boyfriend?' My heart sank, I tried to ignore them.
'Oi bitch, don't ignore me, I said where is your fucking boyfriend?' I felt the anger build up inside me, I couldn't help it i just started yelling.
'I don't know ok? I dot fucking know where Tyler is! I don't know why you care anyway, it's not like you're friend or anything, so can yiu just leave me the fuck alone' I felt a little better after yelling, I went to turn around but apparently Dan wasn't done.
'Just because you ditched school yesterday doesn't make you cool or strong, you're nothing, you're just some worthless slut' my eyes started to tear up and the lump in my throat grew bigger.
'Awh is Lilly going to cry, what a shame her boyfriend isn't here to stick up for her this time' all the boys laughed, they all laughed at me, I could hear them yelling things at me, but I couldn't hear it. I was so angry, I didn't even think about it, I just took my hand and slapped Dan as hard as I could. My fingers stared to sting and my hand went red, Dan stopped laughing and his eyes filled with hate. I had never seen him so angry, I have never seen anyone this angry, his left cheek grew red, I started to worry. all the boys stood there in shock, I don't think anyone knew what Dan was going to do. I stood there just staring into his hatred filled eyes, not being able to move. Suddenly his hand pushed into my shoulders, I fell to the ground. The floor was hard and I smacked my head. I was in shock, all the guys were holding Dan back, telling him he was out of line. I tried to get up, but my leg was arms were aching dorm the fall.
'What the fuck is wrong with you, you fucking low life. I wish I never dated you, you're nothing but a worthless peice of shit' I yelled before turning around and walking back to class. I heard dan yell some thing, but I couldn't hear him, tears just rolled down my face, I couldn't stop them, I didn't even try to. I ran to the bathroom, everyone was staring at me, I lo led myself in the toilet cubical Hopi no one would notice me crying, my silent tears rolled down my face. I couldn't stop thinking abo where Tyler was, I was mad at him for not being there to help me, but I was also just wishing he would hold me in his arms and tell me it's going to be ok. I was so lost in thought that I didnt notice the pain in my wrist, I could barely move it, it hurt so much. I decided to should probably go to the sick bay, my wrist look odd, it wasn't the right shape. I opened the cubical dorm and steeped into the bathroom, I stared and my red face in the mirror my eyes were all puffy. Black lines ran down my face from were my makeup had been running. I slowly made my way to the sick bay, hoping no one would see me.
I finally made it, I walked in to see Tyler getting a late slip. He looked at me in complete shock and came runni over.

Crushing ❤️
Novela JuvenilLilly is just a normal teenage girl. Lilly is always crushing on boys, it's a new boy every week. But the feelings for boys never really seem to last, that is antill the new boy Tyler moves into town and everything's starts to change. Is Lilly Conel...