The minute I got home I texted Lelia.
- babe I made the worst mistake and I don't know what to do, please help.
- omg what's wrong what happened?!?!?! Wait I'll call you.
I got off the phone to Lelia, I told her everything. It felt good to vent to her. Her advise was simple. Just pretend you have feelings for him and soon enough you will start to like him. You can't break his heart.
I took her advise, she was always better with boys. I started to get bored so I checked my phone, I had a text from Sam and one from Dan.
- hey babe, what's going on with you and Dan? X
- oh, he is my boyfriend now...
- but it was just 2 days ago that you said you liked me!? What the fuck Lilly. John was right, you go through boys more then you blink. 😒
- Sam I didn't mean to hurt you. Wait what did John say?!
-Don't bother texting me again, I won't respond.
I couldn't help but think about what John said, I mean did he really say that? Do I really go through a lot of boys. I tried not to think about it. I check my message from Dan.
- hey babe are you alright you said you were feeling sick? ❤️
- yeah I'm alright, I guess
- Lilly what's wrong?? ❤️
- oh nothing, don't worry I'm fine. I just feel unwell. ❤️
- oh ok, hope u get well soon baby girl, love you ❤️
Shit he said he loved me. I didn't love him back. It was one thing to pretend I liked him but I couldn't pretend to love him.
- thanks ❤️
Shit why did I say thanks? Omg I'm so stupid. I just say my phone down before I did anything else stupid. I couldn't stop thinking about it so I just went to bed.
I woke up Monday morning and did my daily routine. As I walked to the bus stop I was really hoping Lelia would be there waiting. I knew that Dan would be on the bus already, I was starting to get worried. Finally I reached the bus stopped and thankfully Lelia was there waiting.
"Lelia what do I do when I get on the bus. Do I sit with you or Dan?" I asked win a shaky voice.
"Just get on and sit with me, if he tells u to sit with him then sit with him," she said it as if it were obvious. I was really hoping the bus wouldn't show up. But it did.
"Lelia you get on first," I said pushing her In front
"Fine, fine," she trailed off. It was my turn to get on, I was worried. What if he said he loved me or tried to make a move!? I was so lost in my own thoughts that I didn't realise I was just standing there.
"Helloooo? The bus driver said extending the word to get my attention.
"Huh what? Oh right," I hoped on the bus blushing. I looked around for Dan but he wasn't on the bus, THANK GOD. I sat next to Lelia and relaxed myself. Like always the boys behind us were being loud and annoying, but then I heard a new voice. Someone I hadn't heard before, his voice was a little deep and mysterious. I had to know who he was so with out thinking I spun around so I was facing the back seat. Realising what I had done, I knew I couldn't just spin back round like a weirdo.
"Hello boys," I sounded slightly flirty, I didn't even mean to. I then found the face to the mysterious voice and I ain't going to lie, he was cute!
"So we have a new boy?" I said trying to sound confident
" yeah, my names Tyler. Yours?" He said with a slight laugh
"Oh me, well that's for me to know and you to find out," I said with a slight laugh and flirty tone. He just raised his eyebrow and laughed a little. Wait why was I flirting, I had a boyfriend. What's wrong with me?! I turned back around before I could say anything else. Lelia gave me a look of confusion, I don't blame her. I just sat still and didn't talk for the rest of the bus ride. The sooner we got to school the better

Crushing ❤️
Novela JuvenilLilly is just a normal teenage girl. Lilly is always crushing on boys, it's a new boy every week. But the feelings for boys never really seem to last, that is antill the new boy Tyler moves into town and everything's starts to change. Is Lilly Conel...