I walked home from the bus stop. I unlocked the door and walked in, Mum was at work and dad was on a business trip so nobody was home. I ran to my room , threw my bag into the corner and jumped onto my bed. I just laid there for a few moments, it was nice just laying down. Then I quickly jumped up remembering I had to meet up with Dan at the park. I put on some leggings and a tank top. It was 3:50 when I started to walk to the park which was just down the road. Dan lived on the other side of the park, we used to play there when we were little. It wasn't long before I was at the park. I saw Dan sitting on the swing set, he seemed lost in thought. I called his name as I walked over. He looked up as if I had scared him but his stunned look quickly turned into a smile.
"Hey Lilly," he said with a cheery tone. I smiled and said " hey Dan," mimicking his tone. We started to walk around while we talked. I noticed he kept staring at me, It made me feel self conscious as I started to blush. He noticed me blushing and giggled.
"What's so funny," I asked politely.
"Oh nothing it's just you get blushing," he responded smiling
"Well maybe if you stopped looking at my flaws I wouldn't blush," I said laughing but with a little seriousness. He just stared at me, almost as if he were mad before he finally spoke.
"What flaws, your beautiful Lilly and don't ever forget it," he said it as if he really meant it, I could feel my cheeks burning. I looked down but he put his fingers under my chin and gently lifted my head. I started to lean forward as if he was going to kiss me, I began to get really nervous.
"Ah, ah, ah not that easy, you have to earn it," I said with a cheeky smile. He laughed and said oh really before he started chasing me around the park. I couldn't stop giggling, then I felt his big hands on my waist as hug lifted me up and spun me around.
"Put me down, put me down," I demanded, in fear he would drop me. He did as I said and gently sat me down. We stared into each other's eyes before bursting into laughter.
It was starting to get late so we decided to walk home. He insisted in walking me home, I thought it was pretty cute. As we walked down the street the sun started setting. We reached my house and he walked me to the door.
"Why don't you come one in, it's getting dark and my mum can drop you home when she gets back from work. I'm sure she wouldn't mind," I asked smiling. He stood there for a moment before answering saying
"Yeah sure let me just text my mum," we walked into the kitchen and I made us some milkshakes and toast.
"What do you want to do?" He asked
"Let's watch TV," I responded. Pew set up our food and drinks on the floor next to us as we snuggled up under the blanket and choose a movie.
"Do you like horror?" I asked kinda hoping he would say no.
"Yeah sure, but are you sure your not scared?" He teased
"Of course not," I laughed trying to hide the fact I was not exactly looking forward to it. The movie had only just started and I was already hiding my face behind my hands. Dan looked over to me and laughed, I just punched him in the arm saying
"Shut up," laughing with him. Suddenly something scary happened and I jumped into Dans arms in fear, he hugged me tight sensing I needed a hug. Finally the movie finished, we didn't even realise how late it was.
"Thank god it's Friday," I sighed trying to take my mind off the movie.
"Yeah I know right," he said back smiling.
We cleaned up the cups and plates just as my mum walked in the door.
"Oh, hey Dan'" she said a little surprised but not mad.
"Hey Lilly's mum," he said sounding embarrassed he didn't know my mums name.
"Please call me Abby," my mum said while she laughed.
"Mum Dan was wondering if you could drop him home?" I asked my mum smiling.
"Ugh sweetheart I just hot home from work, I'm really tired. Dan can just sleep the night if he wants," my mum said letting out a sigh.
"Sure, my mum won't mind," Dan said with excitement in his voice.
After Dan texted his mum to make sure it was ok we rushed up to my room. We grabbed the spare mattress and sat it next to my bed. I threw some blankets at him, he set them out on the bed. It was all ready pretty late so we decided to go to bed.
"Dan?" I called to check if he was awake.
"Ugh yeah?" He groaned.
"Nothing I just wanted to know if you're awake," I lied, I was actually terrified from the movie.
"You're scared aren't you?" He stated more then asked. I was to tired to argue so I just admitted I was scared.
"Come here," he said in his sleepy voice. I almost melted at the sound of his sleepy voice. I laid down in his bed and he put his arm around my waist. He ran his fingers gently across my stomach making me sleepy before kissing me on the shoulder and saying

Crushing ❤️
Novela JuvenilLilly is just a normal teenage girl. Lilly is always crushing on boys, it's a new boy every week. But the feelings for boys never really seem to last, that is antill the new boy Tyler moves into town and everything's starts to change. Is Lilly Conel...