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•The Next Day•

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The Next Day•

Sunoo was ready to see Riki. He was actually very nervous the night before. He thought that it was weird that he wanted to see him so badly.

It's seemed off to Sunoo that he only wanted to see this boy because of a book character. But he pushed that thought away and got ready.

It was now break and Sunoo and Riki just finished art class.

"Where do you normally sit?" Sunoo asked. He never has seen Riki in the cafeteria which made him wonder.

"I sit outside. My friends say they don't like the cafeteria" Riki's said.

"Let's sit where you normally sit. It'll be a change for me" Sunoo said and Riki took him to the spot.

"Wow I feel like I can breath" Sunoo said taking a deep breath. Riki chuckled at this.

"Could you not breath in there?" Riki asked with a smile on his face.

"Barely. Everywhere I turn there is someone but out here I have space" Sunoo said sitting on the grass beside Riki.

"It is pretty nice out here. I don't like crowded areas too much" Riki confessed.

"I don't either I like having room" Sunoo said.

One thing they have in common. Sunoo took a mental note of this so that in the future they don't go anywhere crowded.

"I'm glad I met you Sunoo" Riki confessed.

"I am too. Riki you don't even know. So much about you makes me feel normal" Sunoo blurted out. This made Riki very confused.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked. I mean Sunoos statement wasn't exactly a normal thing to say.

"Well if you want to know you'll have to get to know me more" Sunoo said. That was the easiest way of getting out of telling Riki about the book.

"I guess I will then" Riki agreed.

"So Riki. I already know your an amazing artist but id there anything else you like to do?" Sunoo asked. He wanted to know as much as he can.

"I like dancing and archery. My archery could be better though. I'd need someone to teach me" Riki said. Sunoos mind flipped to his book.

The chapter he read that morning.

Chapter 8

"Sunwoo can you do something with me?" Ni-ki asked.

Sunwoo was with his family at the breakfast table when Ni-ki came in.

"What would that be?" Sunwoo asked. Normally ye wouldn't answer in such a proper way but he is in front of his family and they don't know about the thing they got going on.

"It's to ensure your safety" Ni-ki said in a serious tone that Sunwoo only hear when he was around his family.

Sunwoo looked at his father who gestured him to go. So Sunwoo hopped up and left with him.

Sunwoo kept asking Ni-ki where they were going but Ni-ki didn't answer until they were outside.

"So why are we out here? What does this have to do with my safety?" Sunwoo asked.

"It doesn't" Ni-ki said pulling Sunwoo close and kissing him. "And I need your help"

"With what?" Sunwoo asked.

"Archery. I'm supposed to be your protector and you can use a bow better than me" Ni-ki admitted. Sunoo smiled thinking of all the times he can use that against him.

"Well that's kinda sad. But yes I will help you" Sunwoo said. "Although couldn't you have waited until I was finishing eating?"

"I think I'm a little more important" Ni-ki said. Sunoo smiled at this. He really is in love with this boy.

"Funny thing is I know archery" Sunoo said. Sunoo didn't really tell many people but he does archery a lot.

He's pretty good. He does it with Winter all the time. Though Sunoo is the better of the two.

"Than maybe sometime you could teach me" Riki said.

"We could do it after school" Sunoo suggested. Riki nodded.

"I don't have anywhere to be. I think that would he nice. We can get closer" Riki said.

"Yes we can. We should start eating before break is over" Sunoo said.

They ate quickly so they could keep talking.

"I wish I was your age. So we could you know have more classes together. Maybe we would've already known each other" Riki said.

"Maybe. That would be nice. But also I kinda love only having one class with you. It makes me look forward and treasure it more. The one time we get to see each other unplanned." Sunoo stated.

"Yeah I was really scared to be moved up. I thought I would be with a bunch of really talented people but you made it better for me. The way you complemented me the first day made me want to go back" Riki confessed.

Sunoo felt amazing. He realized that Riki was more than a book character look a like.

"It felt nice having you there your a really good artist and you made it seem so easy" Sunoo said.

"I liked watching you. It was very elegant. Everything about you is elegant. Like a prince. Your movements are so soft. I don't know it made me feel nice" Riki said tye same old blush creeping on his cheeks.

"I felt protected with you there. I'm not sure that makes sense" Sunoo said.

"Thank you Sunoo" Riki thanked. It was very sincere.

"I'm the one who should be doing the thanking" Sunoo said and then they hugged.

Both of them feeling protected in each other's arms. Some flame was lit that day.

It really changed them both.

It really changed them both

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And a fluffy chapter. I'm in a really good mood so I wanted to write a happy thing.

How do you all feel about this story so far?

I know it's a but messy but I'm hoping that will change as they get to know each other.

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