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When Sunoo woke up Riki was gone and his window was wide open

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When Sunoo woke up Riki was gone and his window was wide open. Sunoo sighed in relief.

He really didn't want to confront Riki after what had happened the night before. No it would be too embarrassing.

Obviously Riki felt the same which is why he left. He was happy that Riki wasn't there so he can make up for lost time with his other friends.

Sunoo didn't have art that day. So there was no need to see Riki. When Riki didn't come up to him at school Sunoo just accepted the fact that he doesn't want to see Sunoo either.

Yet this left Sunoo with lots of questions. If Riki left he doesn't like him back right? But then Sunoo would also think. He kissed me first and didn't stop so he must like me back.

Though Sunoo was too scared to ask. He doesn't know what he is exactly scared of. But for now Sunoo is ok with not speaking to him.

"Wow Sunoo it's the first time in a while that I haven't seen you with Riki" Jungwon said when Sunoo walked over to them alone.

"Yeah we ran into a problem last night" Sunoo whispered leaning closer to Jungwon, Jake and Heeseung.

"What problem?" Heeseung asked really loudly making all three of them slap a hand over his mouth.

"Shut up this is top secret if I tell you you can't tell a soul. And I mean no Jay no Sunghoon no Geonu no one" Sunoo said pointing at then when he said their boyfriends names.

They all looked shocked. The only reason Sunoo added their boyfriends was because they always spill to them. The told them about the book, Ni-ki and now Riki.

"Ok ok fine just tell us" Jake begged. Sunoo sighed then leaned in again.

"We kissed" Sunoo whispered.

"YOU WHAT?!" They all said at the same time making it very loud.

"Shut up" Sunoo hissed. He pulled them closer again.

"But it wasn't just a kiss. We made out. Then we fell asleep together. Then this morning Riki was gone and has been avoiding me since" Sunoo said. His friends were at a loss of words.

"Just asking who initiated the kiss" Heeseung asked.

"Him. But I kissed back" Sunoo admitted.

"So he does like you" Jungwon said making the other two nod.

"What no. He ran away he doesn't like me" Sunoo said shaking his head.

"Sunoo let me ask you has he ever dated a guy or said anything about liking guys?" Jake asked. Sunoo shook his head no.

"Never" Sunoo said.

"Well then that's it! That's why he ran away. He's confused. About his sexuality. I mean come on. Were you ready to kiss your first boy?" Heeseung asked.

"Jesus don't take me back to my first kiss with a guy" Sunoo said remembering how awful it was.

"If he really loves you, which he obviously does, then he will come back and talk to you" Jungwon said.

"I guess so" Sunoo said. He didn't think so. He just wanted to end the conversation.

"What's going on in that book of yours?" Heeseung asked. Sunoos mood suddenly brightened.

"It's amazing. Sunwoo and Ni-ki really like each other but have to keep it a secret because after the war Ni-ki has to go back to Japan and they will never see each other again. They are saving the heartbreak" Sunoo said.

"Dramatic. But I think you and Rikis love life beats it in dramatics." Jake said.

"I agreed" Jungwon said.

"Yeah yeah me and Riki blah blah blah" Sunoo said with a playful eye roll.

"Oh what's this? Kim Sunoo doesn't want to talk about his boyfriend?" Jungwon asked.

Before the book Sunoo dated lots of guys. He would always tell his friends about who he kissed or who's he's dating. Now he doesn't want to.

"He isn't my boyfriend I mean I wish he was but he just won't talk to me" Sunoo said. There it is. The wet blanket always ready to ruin his mood. Right on cue.

"He will don't let it make you upset. If he didn't talk to you just talk to him" Jake suggested.

"How can I talk to him?" Sunoo asked.

"The same way you have for the past little bit. You just say 'Hey Riki I really like you and after we kissed I've been confused if you like me too' just like that" Heeseung said.

"Do you want me to die?" Sunoo asked dramatically.

"Oh please. You won't die. You'll kill us by ignoring him before you die" Jungwon said.

"Alright I will I will. Now talk amongst yourselves I want to sneak a chapter in before we go inside" Sunoo said taking out his book.

Chapter 15

"Father I have something I would like you tell you" Sunwoo said. He was so nervous about what he was going to say.

He was going to tell his father about what he has going on with Ni-ki and basically beg for him to except their love and let him stay even though the war has ended.

"Yes Sunwoo what do you need" he asked.

"I-i um I am in love with Ni-ki my warrior" Sunwoo announced. Minjeong, Sunwoos sisters eyes widened at this.

Sure she knew that they had something going on but she never in a million years thought he would admit it.

"Your in love with a warrior? A commoner?" His father asked. He started to get more nervous.

"Yes since I met him I loved him and he loves me too" Sunwoo said.

"Well then I'll let it be" He said.

"You'll what? Really?" Sunwoo asked happy and shocked. He never thought his father would be so calm about it.

He didn't want to ask though. He was way to happy.

"And since your coronation is coming up I will let you marry him after" his father said.

Sunwoo ran and hugged him tightly. He was so thankful that his father understood his feelings and didn't try to take them apart.

He couldn't wait to share the news with Ni-ki.

Sunoo put his book down with mixed feelings. He was so happy that Sunwoo and Ni-ki finally get to be happy after all this time but Riki wasn't out of his head.

He was jealous.

Why could Sunwoo and Ni-ki get a happy ending with no questions while he is still here wondering if Riki cared about him still.

He felt tears sting his eyes so blinked them back. His friends were tight he needed to ask Riki what they are.

Before he loses his mind.

Before he loses his mind

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