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Sunoo shook off the guilty feelings because he was going to school to see Riki

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Sunoo shook off the guilty feelings because he was going to school to see Riki. Sure he was going to tell him that they were only friends because of a book but he convinced himself he was doing nothing wrong.

Although, he did feel bad about the fact that he has been ignoring his friends for the past little while.

They have tried calling and texting him but Sunoo just ignores it. He doesn't even check what they say. So if anything bad happened Sunoo didn't know.

He regretted that.

He was very nervous to get to school. He knows that his other friends really wouldn't care but Jungwon. Well, they have been best friends forever. And Sunoo ignoring him completely for the past few days must not feel good.

"Sunoo! Jesus I thought you died" Jake said in surprise when he saw them.

"Yeah sorry about these few days I've just been...going through stuff" Sunoo said. He want ready to tell the full truth just yet.

"Well it would've been nice to know you weren't dead under a bridge somewhere" Heeseung said with a small smile.

"Honestly guys I feel bad. I'm so sorry I totally ignored you all" Sunoo apologized.

"Oh no we understand. You don't have to apologize to us you have to apologize to him" Sunghoon said pointing to Jay and Jungwon.

Jay looked as if he was trying to cheer Jungwon up. Jungwon sat on the ground looking very torn up.

Sunoo felt a wave of guilt splash over him- no it wasn't a splash it was like a slap. It stung.

He walked over and sat beside him. When Jay saw Sunoo he slipped away so they could talk.

"Hey bestie" Sunoo said in a guilty tone.

"Hey" Jungwon said dryly looking away.

"I'm sorry. I should've answered you at least. I just didn't know how to tell you what was going on" when Sunoo said this Jungwon snapped his head towards him with sad eyes.

"You couldn't tell me? Sunoo I've known you for 18 out of the 19 years you've been alive. How can't you tell me what's going on?" Jungwon asked. He was really sad.

Jungwon would never get mad at him like this. Sunoo knew he screwed up.

"Won I don't want to fight. I can tell you what's going on if you want but it's messed up" Sunoo said.

"I don't want to fight either. I also don't want you to think you have to tell me. I just- you've never gone that long without even letting me know your alive" Jungwon said.

"I know but like I said things are messed up. I messed up. And I don't know what to do. I can't keep everyone happy" Sunoo said. He has this overwhelmed feeling that never goes away.

"What do you mean?" Jungwon asked. He looked more concerned than sad now.

"I only like Riki because he reminds me of Ni-ki. Yep that's the only reason I even wanted to be associated with him. Sure it's different now but I have to tell him sometime. But I'm scared he'll hate me. And the only way I could get my head in straight was to ignore you guys. And now you're all mad at me" Sunoo said.

Jungwon hugged Sunoo.

"I'm not mad I was never mad. I was worried. You wouldn't answer me. You wouldn't answer anyone. Any classes we had together you missed. I thought you were dead" Jungwon said in a mire scared tone.

Sunoo knows that whenever Jungwon is worried it comes out in anger.

"I didn't mean to make you worried. I feel bad really" Sunoo said. Jungwon sighed and smiled.

"Don't feel bad. It's fine. From what you told me you have big things to deal with. If you ever need to talk I'm here you know" Jungwon said.

"Your right I do know. Thanks for being the understand Won I know" Sunoo said.

"Thanks for not being dead" Jungwon said.

Time skip•

"So it has come to my attention that not many people are ready with their art so I'm giving you an extra day. The paintings are due tomorrow morning" Mrs. Lin said. Sunoo and Riki looked at each other and held back a laugh.

They really stressed about finishing it juts to have an extra day.

"Well we can still hang out right?" Riki asked.

"Of course. We can paint more if you want" Sunoo suggested.

"We can do everything we want because we have no work to do" Riki said.

"We are finally free" Sunoo said.

Time Skip•

Later that night Riki came over to Sunoos house again. They went up to Sunoos room.

Riki placed at hand on the desk here they did the art.

"Hello old friend" Riki said. Sunoo laughed at that.

"Oh come on it wasn't that bad" Sunoo said trying to reason with him.

"Oh yeah 3 hours of sitting in the same spot not bad at all" Riki sais sarcastically.

"Where did all that attitude come from?" Sunoo asked playfully.

"Right here Sunoo right here" Riki said tapping the desk. Sunoo laughed again at that.

He loves how Riki can make him laugh doing the slightest things.

They sat down and got two smaller canvas's and painted on their own. They couldn't decide what they should make together so they did it separately.

Suddenly the silence was eating them both up. They both had things to say but couldn't find the words to say it.

So instead.....

"I love you" They said in unison. After they spoke they both looked surprised.

"You love me?" Riki asked. He didn't think Sunoo would say it too since they had only just met.

"Yes I love you a lot actually" Sunoo confessed. He didn't know where he got the confidence to say that but he was thankful.

"Good cause I do too" Riki said. Next thing Sunoo knew Riki kissed him.

Riki pulled Sunoo closer by his waist and Sunoo held on tight around his neck.

The kiss got more and more heated but neither of them stopped. It was as if they kept going back for more.

At one point Sunoo broke the kiss which made Riki what to apologize but before he could speak Sunoo kissed him again.

They ended up falling asleep together on Sunoo bed. They were cuddled close to each other.

They both hoped that Sunoos parents didn't see them.

They both hoped that Sunoos parents didn't see them

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