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"Wait what?!' Sunoo exclaimed completely baffled

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"Wait what?!' Sunoo exclaimed completely baffled. Riki smiled finding this reaction cute.

"I love you. That's not the first time you've heard that from me" Riki shrugged acting totally normal. This just confused Sunoo more.

"No- but I-i though- you know- I d-didn't think you- I" Sunoo just stopped. He had somehow lost all ability to form proper sentences.

"Yeah I know what you mean" Riki made a small smile. "I did break up with you"

Sunoo, still not being able to form words just nods.

"I kinda regretted it right away. It's not like you did anything disloyal you just liked something. I realized that was a bit overdramatic but I could never ask for you back. That would just be crazy. I didn't know what to do. Then I saw your painting-" Sunoos cheeks reddened.

He sorta wanted to forget about that painting. He made himself look crazy Infront of the teachers and stuff.

"I hated not being with you" Sunoo admitted. "After a few days I realized how much of a mistake it was. I kept reading the book and it just made it more clear to me that I will never have him. But I had you"

"You can have me again if you want" Riki said. Sunoo was in complete shock. It isn't supposed to be this easy is it?

"Why are you being so nice? Why are you so willing to just take me back? I don't know if I can do that" Sunoo only whispered the last part while looking at the floor.

"Then that's ok. We can take it slow. Even if we just stay friends. Or friends with benefits. It really doesn't matter to me. I just love you too much to forget about you" Riki saying all this made everything perfectly clear to Sunoo.

This was the right guy. He wasn't ever going to find someone like this ever again. Maybe in a book but that's not real.

"Let's just go back to the beginning. What we did before. Except this time not break each other's hearts" Sunoo suggested. A smile broke out on Rikis face and a second later he was hugging Sunoo.

It felt kind of weird or wrong at first. Sunoo felt like he shouldn't hug back. But then the familiar feeling of warmth and comfort came back and Sunoo let himself hug Riki.

"I think that's a promise I can keep" Riki said.

"You know Jungwon might kill me" Sunoo said breaking the hug.

"Oh yeah. He scares me honestly." Riki said. Shuddering a bit at the memory of when he met Jungwon.

"You just need to get to know him. But yeah he has a murderous side for sure. I'll be dead in his basement if he finds out I forgave you" Sunoo explained.

"How is this my fault?" Riki asked.

"Jungwons my best friend who never liked anyone I dated including you. It's natural for him to blame you" Sunoo stated.

"Great I've met someone one and he hates me" Riki pouted making Sunoo chuckle.

"I'll talk to him don't worry" Sunoo reassured.

Time skip

It was a while later and Sunoo decided to talk to Jungwon.


Me| so I have some news. You are gonna hate me but that's ok

Wonie☕︎| what did you do now?

Me| me and Riki are going to give it a second try
Please don't hate me

Wonie☕︎| hate you?

Me| should've seen that coming. We talked ok

Wonie☕︎| I don't care what you did do you forget what he did to you?

Me| what did he do to me?

Wonie☕︎| oh idk BROKE UP WITH YOU

Me| it was my fault and we aren't dating yet just idek what we are doing

Wonie☕︎| you enjoy that you know what idc you love him date him but if he breaks your heart again he won't be easy to find

Also you scare me and I'm taking you to therapy

Wonie☕︎| No thanks ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

I feel like I haven't updated in 2000 years

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I feel like I haven't updated in 2000 years. This is almost done and I want to be consistent but it's just hard.

I have a trip in a few days so I'll be even more inactive. I promise to get more chapters on before I leave tho.

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