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Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

It was it. After everything. The asking, the sneaking around, the lying. They were finally married. It had taken so much.

They had to wait do long for this moment and here they were. Finally. They didn't have to lie anymore. They could finally say it.

Ni-ki was Sunwoo's and Sunwoo was Ni-ki's.

Sunoo closed the book slowly. He had to let that sink in. It was true even if he didn't want to hear it. Ni-ki wasn't his, never was never will be. He is fake.

That three letter sentence was something everyone had told him countless times but he never wanted to say it. Sure he knew it but never wanted to say it.

But now even the book is telling him they will never be together.

This made Sunoo feel even worse about literally everything since someone who loved him he let go.

But this was it. He was fine with Ni-ki. Ni-ki was a character in an old book. Sure the book is very good but a book is just that.

Especially because it fictional.

Sunoo did meet Riki though. It was almost like the love of him life jumped off the pages and into his life.

But Sunoo was being selfish. And that's how he lost him.

He needed to talk to Riki. He needed to tell him how he didn't want Ni-ki and how he didn't want to turn Riki into Ni-ki because he loves Riki just the way he is.

But he wasn't sure if he would ever get the chance. Until they met at school.

They were packing up from their class when everyone left but Riki and Sunoo.

Sunoo didn't know if he should actually talk to Riki or not it wasn't until Riki started leaving the room that he spoke.

"Riki wait' Sunoo said. Riki turned around to face him with a confused expression.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"I'm sorry. For everything. I was being childish. It's just a book character. I shouldn't have cared so much. I don't care much about him anymore. I just- I wish it didn't ruin what we had" Sunoo said.

To his surprise Riki stayed and answered.

"I wish it didn't either. I really do love you. But you tried to push me to be something I'm not without me even knowing. It broke my trust" Riki said. That was the truth. Sunoo couldn't be mad at Riki. He was totally right in everything he said.

"I know it was wrong. But I don't care for him much anymore. Ever since we broke up it really opened my eyes. I was totally in love with a fictional character so much so I manipulate someone I just met to become my dream guy. It was crazy and I regret every part of it" Sunoo saying this lighted something in Riki.

Riki realized that Sunoo really did regret what he did and felt bad. Riki also couldn't be mad. Since he loves Sunoo and wouldn't want him to feel bad.

"I'm glad you know that. Since I really didn't want to lose you this way. I want to forgive you. I just needed you to say you felt remorse for what you did. So I could move past it" Riki said. This made Sunoo even more confused.

"Forgive me? I thought that this was it. What changed?" Sunoo asked. Riki smirked a bit.

"Didn't you hear me? I said I love you, like present tense. Sunoo I never stopped loving you"

 Sunoo I never stopped loving you"

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Finally she updates. I wanted to get this out before but things came up I explained that all on my mb. I also didn't write the wedding part. I wanted to but then I got lazy sorry about that.

I hope to update again tomorrow but I can't promise anything since I'll be busy at a funeral.

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