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Guilt was really the only word to describe what Sunoo felt

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Guilt was really the only word to describe what Sunoo felt. He felt so guilty for not telling Riki that now he is probably mad.

Well, not probably mad he totally is mad. The worst part is that Sunoo can't say anything because this is his fault.

Riki said that they would talk later which happened to be now.

The two were skipping class. They were at a nearby park.

"So care to explain?" Riki asked in a cold tone. This made Sunoo sadder. The warm voice he loves is gone.

"It's a book. I love the book. All my friends found the love of their lives while I was holding onto a book character. You reminded me so much of him your name, your personality. Everything. That was yes the main reason I talked to you in the first place. But then I started to like you for you. I did try in a way to make you more like him but I stopped after I started to love your personality. I'm sorry" Sunoo said.

"So you love this book character. Thought i reminded you of him then tried to make me like him?" Riki asked. Sunoo nodded in guilt.

"Yeah but I swear it has nothing to do with now" Sunoo said.

"Honestly Sunoo I don't care. Even if it's different now I can't trust that." Riki said.

"So what now?" Sunoo asked.

"I think we have to break up" Riki said. He seemed totally unfazed which made Sunoo even more upset.

"Break up? No Riki really? This is what's ruining our relationship? A book?" Sunoo asked finding the whole thing ridiculous.

"Yes Sunoo but you can't blame me" Riki said. Sunoo had no snarky remark. Riki was right and there was nothing he could do about it.

"No Riki please I lo-" Sunoo was cut off.

"Dint say that. Please don't. You don't love me you love him" Riki said in a softer tone.

Sunoo was honestly so shocked. He didn't even realize when Riki left. But when he did he knew he couldn't go back to school.

So instead he went home and cried. He for real lost his boyfriend over a book.

Easily avoidable but here they are.

He didn't lose his book boyfriend because his book boyfriend doesn't exist. He lost his actual, living, breathing boyfriend.

Over a book.

Sorry for no updates for a while

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Sorry for no updates for a while. I've gotten really busy out if no where but I am trying.

Also sorry for a crap chapter I might edit this to make the emotions deeper tomorrow but I have a really bad headache it's late and I just spent most of my night doing homework and studying so I'm very tired right now.

I hope to update again tomorrow.

*Fingers crossed*

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