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"Alright spill it!" Jungwon demanded at school the next day

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"Alright spill it!" Jungwon demanded at school the next day. He slammed his hands on the table which made everyone jump.

"Spill what?" Sunoo asked slowly closing his book.

"Your acting weird- in love. Did Ni-ki send a confession letter?" Jungwon asked earning an eye roll.

"Yeah yeah super funny. But to answer your question yes I am in love but not with Ni-ki" Sunoo said.

"So umm Riki?" Jake asked in a whisper for some reason.

"Yeah haven't we been over this?" Sunoo asked with an eye roll.

"Yeah but I thought you were ignoring each other" Heeseung said. Sunoo huffed realizing he would have to say it all.

"We talked. We figured everything out. Really we were both just scared about the others feelings but turns out we feel the same" Sunoo explained. He left out details because that's just too long of a story.

"Well let us meet him" Sunghoon said.

"Oh um I'm not sure he's sorta shy and doesn't like crazy things" Sunoo said.

"What's crazy about us?" Heeseung asked.

"Please don't let this be the reason our friendship is ruined" Sunoo said and everyone groaned loudly.

"We are so calm!" Jake almost yelled. Sunoo blinked a few times.

"Are you for real?" Sunoo asked.

"I am offended. You have a boyfriend and won't even let us meet him because we are 'Too crazy'" Jungwon said making air quotes.

"I'm sorry guys I just really rather not scare him with you guys" Sunoo said.

"Fine keep him all to yourself then" Sunghoon said and they all rolled their eyes.

They sat in silence for a second before Sunoo sighed.

"Fine! Jesus I'll let you meet him!" Sunoo said after his friends put on the offended act.

Sunoo texted Riki to come over.

"Just be chill ok. I don't need to explain why you guys are crazy to him later" Sunoo said.

Soon after Riki came over and sat in a empty chair at the table.

Once Sunoo introduced everyone it was fine from there. Sunoos friends did ask some weird questions but other than that it was fine.

They talked for a while until Jungwon brought up something Sunoo absolutely did not want to talk about right now.

I think you can already guess.

"So Riki I bet you know about Sunoos other boyfriend?" When Jungwon asked this Riki looked confused at Sunoo.

Sunoo kinda motioned for him to stop but either he didn't see or ignored because he just kept going.

"What do you mean other boyfriend?" Riki asked. Sunoo was about to step in when Jungwon started talking.

"Actually I'm surprised he hasn't told you. He has this book which he loves so much. But really only because of this one character. He is totally in love. When he said he was dating you I was actually confused because of how much he loves this book character. Who's name is actually pretty similar to yours its Ni-ki." Once Jungwon finally stopped talking there was a second of silence.

"Well I better get going classes start again soon" Riki said starting to get up.

"Your right I'll go with you" Sunoo said.

Once the two left Sunoo immediately started apologizing.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want Jungwon to say that" Sunoo said. He mentally killed himself for keeping the book a secret.

"Why because your in love with someone else?" Riki asked. Sunoo could see the hurt basically pouring out of him.

"It's just a book character I promise" That's the first time Sunoo had ever called Ni-ki 'Just a book character'.

"We'll talk about this later" Riki said and left.

Which just left Sunoo upset.

Upset at Riki for being upset about a love he was for a book character.

He was mad at Jungwon for spilling how Sunoo feels about the character.

He was mad at both these people when really he should be mad at himself.

He was mad at both these people when really he should be mad at himself

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I just realized it's been two weeks since I last updated this book.

Im so sorry!!!

I just started school and dance and volleyball so I'm pretty busy and I totally forgot.

I'm the worst!!!

Anyway it's short today so I feel bad for giving you guys such a bad update after such a long wait but I promise to update tomorrow and it will be better.

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