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"Is this everything, Miss?" The Poké Mart Attendant asked. I looked at what I had placed on the counter.

Two potions, five cans of Pokémon food, a small box of flour, a small bag of sugar, a couple spice and herb bottles, a couple packets of dehydrated milk, a tiny bottle of vanilla, a couple bags of shell noodles, a small package of bread pieces and a reusable water bottle.

"Yes." I said. She nodded and rung it all up, then I payed, and met Alain out front. He had finished before me, but I hadn't seen what he had purchased. His bag was pretty small, so I imagined it hadn't been very big, but the black box in his hand definitely wouldn't have fit.

"What's that, Alain?" I asked as I zipped up my bag. He held it out to me. I stared at it for a second, but then took it.

"Can I open it?" I asked, looking at my Fiancé. He nodded, so I looked back down at the box and carefully lifted off the lid. My eyes widened. Inside was a black Pokéball holder belt.

"At the end of our battle, you started to focus more and really get caught in the heat of the moment. I think you should battle more often, in order to really understand that feeling. Catching and training more Pokémon will give you more opportunities to do so." Alain told me.

He then reached into his bag, and pulled out a Pokéball. "You can have this empty Pokéball to get you started."

I took that to, and held it to my chest, closing my eyes. "Thank you, Alain."

For some reason, when I looked at him again, his cheeks were pink, and he was looking away.

"Is everything okay, Alain?" I asked. He immediately turned around and started walking toward route 102. "Let's go."

"Hey! Wait... wait for me, Alain!" I cried running after him. Had he been blushing? Ralts made a disapproving hum from where it sat on my shoulder, which made me smile. Leave it to my partner to be overprotective.

Pokémon - Bonds of Eternity - Book 3Where stories live. Discover now