Special 3

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"How long do we have, Zeth?"


"Zeth. The world's existence is at stake. Please remember our mission."

Zeth sighed. "It's not fair. I wanted to hold the Princess in my arms."

Arc sighed. "It's true we have competition, but what he said, was something we should have already known. The current Princess is nothing like Vera. We recognized that the other night."

"Yeah. I know." Zeth said defeatedly.

Arc sighed again. "So how long do we have?"



"It's already begun." Zeth said, more serious now. "The Blessing of Eternal Bonds no longer exists. It has been replaced by a power that has no limits, and before long it will begin to awaken. The war is about to begin again, Arc. And the current Princess is the Prize.

Pokémon - Bonds of Eternity - Book 3Where stories live. Discover now