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I stood beside the Pokémon Center, staring up at the stars.

"Ra?" My partner said in a worried tone. I knew Ralts could tell I was struggling. I'd been trying to hold it in for so long now, because I didn't want Alain to know how much pain my heart was in. Now though, it had become too much.

I was the Princess of the Eternity Clan. I was supposed to shun anything and everything to do with Pokémon, but...

I shut my eyes as the tears started to fall. "Ra." Ralts said and hugged my leg.


I opened my eyes eyes and turned halfway to see Alain standing at the edge of the battlefield. His eyes widened slightly.

"You're crying." He stated. I turned back around and covered my face with my hands. I didn't want him to see this. I wasn't supposed to give him a reason to want to take me away from my Clan. I wasn't free like he was.


My eyes widened hearing the Legendary Pokémon's voice, and then the next thing I knew I was thrown off my feet by an Air Slash aimed just in front of me.

"Kiada!" Alain yelled. I pushed myself up shakily, just as Alain reached me. He held my arms carefully. "Are you alright?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah."

Our gaze then fell upon a man in a black cloak. The hood was pulled far over his face, so all we could see was his deep frown. He looked well built though, and a Swellow was perched on his shoulder.

"So. You are the Princess of the Eternity Clan." The man said in a deep voice. "You're quite far from home, Princess."

Alain's grip on my arms tightened a little. "Who are you?" He asked the man.

For a moment there was no response, but then he grunted. "I am the Leader of Team Delta. I highly doubt you would have heard of us boy, but the Princess should recognize the name."

Yes. I definitely did. My eyes had widened hearing it. Delta was the name of an ancient order that had wanted to control the world. They attempted to join with my family line in the past in order to have access to the power of the Forbidden Language. Not only that though. It was once believed that the Princess of the Eternity Clan could not only use the Forbidden Language and communicate with Legendary Pokémon, but also command Legendary and Mythical Pokémon at will.

The Delta Order had disbanded, however, several centuries ago. Could this Team Delta really be the same?

The man began walking forward. "You will come with me Princess, and we shall fulfill your ancestor's dying wish."

Suddenly a Hyper Beam shot down from the sky, hitting in front of the man. He jumped back, and at the same time, I green and black, dog-like Pokémon, landed in front of the newly formed crater. It growled angrily at the man.

"Zygarde?" Alain said in disbelief. I was just as shocked as Alain, but not because of the Legendary Pokémon in front of us. Standing next to it, having just teleported to this location was the boy with the spiky white hair.

"Who are you?" The man asked irritably. Right then the other boy teleported to the other side of Zygarde.

"You shouldn't always expect things to go smoothly. Your ancestor had the same problem." The boy with the ponytail said.

"You won't be taking the Princess anywhere. She's not on your side, and never will be. We'll protect her from your nefarious schemes just like in the past." The other boy told the man.

I blinked, confused, but then the man grinned evilly. "I really have no idea who the two of you are, but I don't think you understand. Princess Vera had a dying wish. She wished, for the destruction of all Legendary Pokémon. A wish that each of her descendants carried in their DNA."

"Rayquaza, Arceus, and Zygarde failed to see the hatred for Pokémon in the Princess's heart, and allowed her hateful will to fuse with their sacred blessing. As such, every Princess born into the Eternity Clan has hated Pokémon with a passion, and wanted nothing more then to see the great beings who ruined their family and their life be destroyed."

"I assure you. The current Princess does not want your protection. She wants the same thing Team Delta wants. The destruction of this world's Legendary Pokémon."

I wouldn't look up. The destruction of this world's Legendary Pokémon?

"Princess... you don't... really want that do you?" I heard the spiky haired boy ask in a worried tone. "No. You can't, Princess." The other boy pleaded.

What Team Delta's Leader said was true. Every single one of my ancestors have hated Pokémon. They have always cursed the Legendary Pokémon, and blamed them for the constant unbalance in the world which each Princess would have terrible visions of. I was the first. The first descendant to see things differently.

I clenched the ground and grit my teeth. But no one realized that I was different. Everyone thought that I thought the same, and that I was happy following the first Princess's path. No one understood! No one accepted me for who I was! No one. I was alone.

"Ra!" I suddenly heard Ralts shout defensively, and then the next thing I knew, Alain had lifted me into his arms.

I looked up into his stormy eyes as he glared angrily forward.

"You think Kiada hates Pokémon? That she wants the Legendary Pokémon of our world to be destroyed? Then you don't know Kiada at all. Don't assume her ancestor's will has any control over who she has to be or what path she has to follow. Kiada is free to choose who she is."

My eyes widened at Alain's words. Then they began to close and I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Thank you, Alain." I whispered.

He then turned and walked back into the Pokémon Center.

Pokémon - Bonds of Eternity - Book 3Where stories live. Discover now