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While we were walking route 102, I somehow got challenged to a Pokémon Battle, buy a teen with a Poochyena. Right now, Ralts was literally dancing around the battlefield, swiftly dodging all of Poochyena's Tackle attacks. It was really frustrating my opponent, but I enjoyed watching Ralts dance.

"Will you two take this Pokémon Battle seriously?!" He yelled. Ralts froze, and I blinked. I'd totally forgotten this was a battle.

"Raaa!" Ralts cried as a Tackle hit its mark. "Ralts!" I shouted.

"Ha! Finally! Now! Use Bite, Poochyena!" My opponent shouted.

I clenched my fists. "Ralts! Teleport into the air!"

My partner responded quickly, teleporting into the sky right as Poochyena bit down. "What the!" The teen said in shock.

Ralts was falling through the air now, but I was finally focused. "Use Magical Leaf!" I called. Ralts didn't hesitate and used it's grass type move while in mid-air.

The shining leaves whirled around Ralts, and then rushed Poochyena.

"Ralts! Teleport!" I shouted as my partner got even closer to the ground. It instantly vanished from it's airborne position, and appeared in front of me.

Everyone watched the dust settle. After a moment, we were able to see Poochyena again. It was on it's side unconscious.

"Poochyena is unable to battle." Alain declared. "That means the winner is Kiada."

I sighed, and Ralts walked up to me. It looked bored. But considering the little Pokémon seemed to enjoy a good challenge, I wasn't all that surprised.

Ralts liked battling, but our opponent had been sloppy and too aggressive. It was easy for Ralts and I to just relax and do what we wanted, instead of being serious. If the opponent is just going to run around at an average pace to run into us, then obviously we're going to find something more entertaining to do. We could have finished this battle quickly, but we both got bored with the teen's choice of attacks, and lost interest in the battle.

The two of us shook hands, then Alain and I began walking again.

"It looked like you enjoyed Ralts dancing, more than the battle." Alain said as we passed a group of Seedot hopping by.

I tightened my grip on Ralts, who was in my arms. "I know that guy was probably a new Trainer, but Ralts and I couldn't take him seriously. His moves were too predictable and he acted like we were going to be easy to defeat when he challenged us. I guess we thought the battle would be more exciting."

"It got exciting once you two started taking the battle more seriously." Alain told me.

I gave a small smile. "I guess we can start trying harder, even when we're up against an opponent like that."

I noticed Alain smile. "Good. By the way. I was wondering if Ralts learned Teleport during our match. I hadn't seen it use that move before."

I nodded. "Yeah. It did."

Pokémon - Bonds of Eternity - Book 3Where stories live. Discover now