Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 #smashedsrs

Iyong mas galit pa mga kaibigan mo sa gago mong ex-boyfriend kaysa sa iyo.

That's what I thought of why Uno said that. He couldn't be serious. Baka nadala lang ng inis kaya nang naunawaan ito, natawa na lang tuloy ako sa isip-isip ko.

Nahalata ko rin kina Stance at Ulrich na curious sila sa nangyari kaya hindi ko na rin ipinagdamot. Hindi na rin naman sila iba sa akin. Besides, apart from I chose to put my trust on them, they just really seemed trustworthy.

Katunayan nga, akala ko ay kinuwento na ni Uno sa kanila nang hindi ko alam. But he didn't. Kaya naramdaman kong mapagkakatiwalaan naman silang tatlo.

The two almost cursed Zeo after hearing some of the truth from me. They completely and intentionally threw what they had with Zeo as their former friend and classmate into the trash.

I felt terrible because it's like I ruined his image and friendship to these three towers.

But I just expressed the truth and it's really the expected reaction of the listeners. Ano'ng magagawa ko? How he treated me was an absolute frown-upon.

"Sasamaan namin ng tingin 'pag nakita namin," Stance earnestly promised me.

"Papakyuhin ko," dagdag ni Ulrich.

I scoffed a laugh, not taking their words seriously. Pinagagaan lang siguro nila ang loob ko o ikinainis lang din talaga nila ang totoo. Either way, I don't think they have to involve themselves. Their concern was already too much for me.

Hindi pala makadadalo sa training namin si Uno kasi kailangan niya nang umalis. There's a family eat out for his 21st birthday of course.

Pinasasama nga raw ako ni Ate Kajina, e. Since Uno still didn't have the heart to confess our lies to his beloved sister. Meanwhile, I also didn't take it back since I had my full heart to let Zeo believe shit.

Pero kay Ate Kajina, kinakain ako ng guilt. Kaso si Uno naman kasi ang may responsibilidad na roon kasi siya ang may gusto na huwag munang sabihin sa kapatid niya. Kung sa akin, ayos lang naman na aminin na.

I sighed. Ito tuloy at tinitingnan ko lang sa preview ng notification ang chats ni Ate Kajina sa akin sa Instagram. She didn't unfollow me unlike what I wished and expected before.

Hi, Rivi! Please join us later for our baby's 21st birthday, huh? Mommy is expecting you later din. See you later. 🥰

Ohhh may important activity ka raw na need gawin? Sad but we understand. Next time na lang. I really wanna hangout with Uno's girlfriend kasi 😟 See you again someday!

Uno already gave me a heads-up about this, so the notification didn't catch me off guard. Nasabihan na rin ako ni Uno na magdadahilan siya para sa akin.

Hi ate! Sayang nga huhu

Next time po 🥰

Saka ko lang napakawalan ang kinagat kong ibabang labi nang sent na ang replies ko. I pressed the lock button so hard because I hated lying like that. I didn't have the guts to unlock my cellphone to check if she replied and what would it be.

Naisip ko, ayos lang naman sa akin ang sumama sa eat out nila bilang good friend ni Uno. Nakilala at nakasama ko na rin naman sila noong Pasko at mabubuting tao naman sila.

Kaso baka durugin na ako ng guilt ko kung ganoon... Kasi hindi naman as a good friend ang alam nila sa akin...

I was with my roommates at dinner after the training. Hapo na naman ako pagkauwi sa dorm kaso sanayan na lang. Ganito rin naman noong high school. It's just more intense this time.

SmashedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon