Chapter 23

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After about ten minutes the rest of the music club had filed in, even Jake which was surprising because he was normally even later than Milly, and that was saying something. When the others came in and saw her they seemed surprised but didn't say anything. Out of all people Zander came last, surprising because he valued punctuality most out of everybody. When he saw Milly he looked guilty and seemed like he wanted to apologize but wouldn't due to everyone else in the room.

"Attention everyone!" Milly clapped her hands together.

"What are you? A teacher?" Zabder asked. Clearly though he felt regretful not enough to stop his usual sarcastic comments.

"Yes!" She exclaimed and gave him finger guns. He sighed.

"What's in the box?" Jake asked.

She shot him a look of annoyance that quickly made him shut up.

"Anyways as I was saying, BEFORE I KEPT GETTING INTERRUPTED!" She shot a look at the boys. Jake turned away embarrassed while Zander raised his eyebrows at her.

She took a deep breath and continued. "I'm sorry I haven't been the greatest friend. I've been very immature and I feel like I keep taking advantage of you. You all have done so much for me and I feel like I haven't done anything in return. Especially with the whole fight with Zoey thing. So I, well Elliot and I, made a cake as an apology." She opened the box revealing the cake. "And I'm really sorry. Can you forgive me?"

"Oh Milly," Hailey said. "We're your friends of course we want to help you out! And we want to help, you're not a burden. I came to help you get ready because I wanted to, not because you forced me."

"And I'm happy to give you advice any time!" Sean added. "You're like a little sister to me."

Milly felt tears coming to her eyes.

"And I don't mind giving you piggy back rides," Luke shrugged. "They're pretty fun actually."

"You really mean it?"

"Of course!" Hailey gave her a hug and the rest quickly joined in. "We're your friends because we want to be. I'm sorry if we ever made you feel insecure about that."

"We will take the cake though," Jake piped up and Hailey softly punched him in the arm. "What?! We were all thinking it!"

"Milly I promise you that if we have any problems in the future, with any of us, we will tell eachother and figure out what to do together." Sean said ignoring them.

Milly smiled, "I like the sound of that!" 

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