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Don't you hate it when people say that we need to stop doing something but they don't?

Have you ever had the weight of the world on your shoulders and at any moment it will come crumbling down with you under it?

Well lets just say I do.

My life was good, I guess. My mother did care and my dad did love me. And my two older siblings were like any other siblings. But that all changed when the drugs came.

My mother I used to be so close and then she started to distant herself from me, and my father left her for another woman, and took my older brother with him.

After he left my mother only got worse. And soon found another man. But let's not forget my best friend, Riley. She was what kept me from going insane when my mother was doing this.

But you see with a mother on drugs, it's like telling your kids to do whatever they want. Well my sister's best friend got us both into smoking. When my mother found out she was not happy. Anyways she expected me to quit the next day and be fine.


It only made life even more hard on me so I started to do it behind her back and soon after so many times of getting warned she gave up and now hands the cigarettes to me.

But that was the Ok days, the days when she wasn't so fucked up in the brain she couldn't even look straight.

That happened when she left Jed her last boyfriend witch was her little brother's father.

Anyway, after my sister left to live with my dad, the whole house fell apart, literally.

The roof caved in and we had to live with my best friend for about a year or two. And no more drugs! It was amazing.

Then my mother met Steve, and turned my world upside down. I didn't know what to think or do, so I went along with it an nearly lost my best friend.

Anyway long story short, my life was put on pause, until a horrible secret reached my ears.

And my life changed for the worse.

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