Chapter five

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"Can't I just wear my boots." I asked for the hundredth time.

We were getting ready for Alec's party and Riley didn't want me to wear my muddy boots.

"No those are muddy besides those are cute." She said pointing at the black and white snickers with a rainbow straps and bottom.

"Be happy I'm letting you wear blue jeans." She said flipping her hair.

I nodded and laughed at her. She looked amazing, she wore a black jean mini skirt that came to her mid thigh, a white tank top and jean jack that matched her skirt and then combat boots to top it all.

Her black hair spiked in all directions and her green eyes with eye liner and mascara, would pierce into anyone who makes her mad.

I sigh as I looked at myself in the mirror. I wore a nice pink long sleeve shirt, almost like a workout shirt, my best blue jeans and the shoes. My hair down and flowing down my back one side was braided.

My make was done almost just like Riley's, only not as thick.

"Gosh I wish I had your eyes." Riley said watching me as I fix my eye liner.

"Why? There so plain." I asked dryly.

"They are not just plain eyeballs!" She protested. "They've seen a lot and they hold so much courage and stubbornness."

I watched her a moment to see of she was joking and when she wasn't I wanted to burst out in tears.

"Don't cry you'll mess up your make up." She said holding my arms.

"But I can't, Riley thank you!" I said.

Her words touched me and I was determined to keep her words true. I was to get threw this, I will make it threw this war. I will win the battle.

I heard a honk and smiled at Riley.

"Let's go party!"


It was just a little awkward on the ride to Alec's party. I sat in the back and Riley sat up front with Alec, who was staring every so often at her and then ran his eyes down her legs.

I rolled my eyes, and swore if he didn't keep his eyes on the road I would sow his eye lids to his forehead.

Once we were at the party, I dash out of the car and breathed in the night air.

A lot of cars were parked in his small drive. A small house with people spilling out stood in front of me, a bonfire off to the side and a pool in the back.

"This is so cool." Riley said as Alec came to stand next to us.

"Right, lets go inside." He said sliding his hand around her waist and leading her inside.

"Riley?" I said a little worried about her.

"I'm fine, Chevy go have some fun." She said giving me a smile.

I returned one and then looked around.

I knew Riley and I knew how he really felt about Alec and Dustin. I was afraid she would get drunk and do something she would regret.

But I had to trust her, she said she would be fine and I have to leave it at that.

"Chevy!!" Said a loud voice. I looked over to see Ashley, a red headed, freckles face, blue eyed girl. She was my second best friend. She wore a skin tight blue jean dress with her black cowboy boots. No make up.

"Hey!" I said a little excited to see her.

"What's up?" She said slinging a arm around my shoulder.

"Oh you know, the usually." I said, and she nodded her head in understandment.

"Have you seen Alec?" She asked looking around for the boy.

"Yeah he went inside with Riley." I said pointing toward the house.

"Oh she's here?" It wasn't really a question and the way she said it made me want to slap her but I fight that back.

"It that a problem?" I asked.

"No of course not." She said and I knew she was lying.

"Well !'m gonna go find Trisha." She said and then bounded of before I could say anything.

"She gets weirder and weirder." I said to myself.

"Not actually a good company either." Said a voice behind me.

I turn around to face a boy I've never met.

"Do I know you?" I asked out of habit.

"Sorry, my names Jake Wells, I just moved down the street." He said extending his hand for me to take.

I took his hand and nearly gasped. A soft spark lit up in my heart when our hands touched and I think he felt it too because he blushed and quickly pulled back his hand.

"Chevy Blake." I said to remove the awkwardness.

"Neat name, let me guess your a ford fan?" He asked his tall lean form tower over me.

I thought a moment to process what he meant and then I laughed.

"No I'm Chevy girl all the way." I said with a smile.

"Good." He said nodding his head and moving closer to me. I shrink back not sure if I should say something.

"But what of I was a ford fan?" I asked.

He smiled, "Then I would have to kick your butt."

I laughed at him and he smiled a beautiful row of teeth.

"No I'm just teasing, it doesn't matter just wondering."

My heart pointed in my chest when our eyes meet. His wore the blue of like the ocean after a thunderstorm. I almost got lost in them if not for the pounding of my heart.

"You want a drink?" He asked.

"Yeah sure." I said and he extended his hand for me to take. I hesitated a moment before taking his hand.

"I won't bite, hard at least." He tease and I smiled shyly looking at my feet.

He lead me it the house, his big form pushing threw the mass of swaying bodies. Riley included.

She grind against Alec clearly already drunk.

I followed Jake to the kitchen were he got a cup.

"Do you want beer or soda?" He asked.

I looked at Riley a moment and then remember her words to have fun.

"Only if your driving?" I said teasingly, he smiled and poured some coke and beer into the same cup.

"What are you doing?" I asked examining the drink.

"Here, try it." He said handing the cup to me. Our fingers brushed and again the spark shot threw my heart.

I ignored the feeling and took a drink. It tastes like soda but had the effect and after taste of beer. Otherwise good.

"Want to dance?" He asked over the loud music.

I nodded taking another gulp if my drink before leading him out to the living room.

I felt the best of the music slowly start to move me. I pounced with it.

Not a slutty dance like most of the girls here but enough to be notice by Jake who stared at me with a smile.

I shied away and out my hands to my face, "I know I look retarded."

I felt him take my hands away from my face and intwine them with his, he wrapped his arm around my waist.

And we danced until dawn.

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