Chapter One

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"To be honest I don't know what to say." Riley said, as we sat in the side yard of my old house. It was getting dark but right at that moment I didn't care.

"I'm most defiantly leaving here when I graduate and I'm taking Ethan with me." I said, my voice broken and tears stained my face.

"I mean I can't believe it, crystal meth, where would you even get that?" She asked, and I don't expect her to really understand the situation, her parents don't do drugs but they do, fight with one another, and her father is constantly calling her and her brothers worthless and stupid and yelling at them for the smallest of things.

But Meth.

"I know where they got it, and I have confronted them a million and one times but nothing works, Riley I am so on the edge of giving up." I cry out.

The tears are streaming down my face and I can't stop them, my mascara is ruined but I don't care.

Riley rubs comforting circles in my back with her hand but the tears are still going.

"I just don't get it, one moment she acts like the best mom in the world and then the next she's she high she's can't look straight."

"I know." Riley coos.

I offer her a fake smile. She was so loyal, after all I have done to her, she still stays with me. Doesn't judge me and doesn't force me to change.

She was a good friend, in every way.

She takes it and smiles back at me. I stare at her a moment. She was small and skinny like really skinny, with short layered black hair, and green eyes.

Where I was fat and ugly. With like 47 chins and 12 thigh rolls.

Witch is a understatement because I only weigh 230 but for a 16 year old girl that was bad. Even more so when all your friends are like perfect.

"Riley, Chevy! Dinner!" Riley little brother calls from the house.

"Be right there." Riley yells back.

"Now!" He calls louder and more demanding.

"Shut up and give us a minute!" She calls getting very annoyed.

"Its OK, come on." I said, struggling to my feet. I walk up the neighbors driveway and cut through the yard to Riley house. We were silent the whole way, and the rest of my visit.

Her father takes me home and climb the steps and enter my house. I cringe at the sight before me, beer bottle everywhere and dirty needles on the floor where my brother could get them. I yell in frustration and pick it up throwing it into the trash.

My mother comes out of her bedroom to see what was all the noise, and when her eyes met mine I knew she was higher then a private jet.

"What's the matter, honey." She asks, her tone sweet but so fake. I roll my eyes, "Nothing, I'm fine. "

"OK, don't forget to do the dishes hon, OK" She asked, she could barely stand on her feet let alone hold her eyes open she was so fucked up. I wanted to scream at her right then and there, but my brother was in the bed and I didn't want to wake him because then I would be up all night with him.

So I bit my tongue and did my dishes I crashed onto the couch and fell asleep.

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