Chapter seven

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I got home and Brendon was still asleep surprisingly. My mother of course gone. I crashed on the couch as a new swarm of emotions washed over me. I couldn't stop the heavy feel in my chest at the lost in Jack's eyes as I walked out of his house. The shape of his lips and the curve of his hips disappearing inside his shorts. I shivered and got up from the couch to pace around the room.

A knock sounded on my door, and I slowly walked over. I seen a tall, lean form and I feared it was Jack. Did I forget something? Was he here to try and make me come back?

I took a deep breath and open the door. I looked in shock at the person in front of me.

Alec looked worried as he stood restlessly in front of my door.

"Can I help you or are you in a dancing at your door way comity." I asked a little snappy.

"Do you know where Riley is?" He asked and I frowned at him.

"No I haven't seen her sense last night." I said.

"Well I can't find her anywhere and I really need to talk to her." He said his voice tense and worried.

"Did you try her house?" I suggested.

He nodded, "That was the first place I looked."

"What happen?" I asked seeing it strange for Riley not to be home on a Sunday.

I could swear he blushed then and there and he didn't meet my gaze.

"What happen?" I asked feeling a little angry.

"Well....its complicated." He said running his hand threw his hair.

"How complicated." I asked hands on hips. If he did what I think he did I'm gonna kill him.

"It's between me and Riley." He said getting annoyed with me.

"Yeah and Riley happens to be like a sister to me, so what happens to her I know about." I said crossing my arms over my chest.

He smirked and me and then stubbornly sighed and said, "We slept together and she ran off before I could fix it."

I balled my fist together so I wouldn't slap him.

"She has a boyfriend!" I said through clinched teeth.

"I know that!" He snapped. "Now can you tell me where she is, I really need to know where she is!" He said.

I sigh and knew if he wanted to fix it he had the right to do so.

"Try up the road at the big barn." I said pointing in the direction.

"Ok." He said and acted like he was going to leave when suddenly he stopped and face me again.

"I'm not sorry for sleeping with Riley, but I am sorry for hurting her. I never meant to put her in this kind of problem." he said and I knew by the tone in his voice and the darkness of his eyes he meant it. I was still angry though.

"Well then I think it's best if you didn't talk to Riley anymore but that's her choice not mine." I said glaring at him.

He smiled,"Riley is so lucky to have someone in her life like you." And then with that he left.

I thought about his words an do knew they were true. Riley and I have been friends since the third grade. I might hate her more but I'd never love her less. She is like a sister to me. I would do anything to keep her safe. Because weather I admit to it or not she's all the family I have left. Well other then my little brother.

I chuckled at the thought of him. He is my joy in life. My happiness and I never want to let that go.

Another knock sounded on my door and I groan. If its Alec coming back it directions I gonna slap him.

But when I open the door I was shocked to see Dustin. I quickly shut the door in his face but he kept if open with his foot.

"Wait a second I need to ask you something."

I panicked in times like theses. Why because I've never had this problem.

"If your asking for Riley I have no idea where she is." I lied, well actually come to think of it I wasn't because I wasn't hundred percent sure where Riley was.

"How'd you know that?" he asked and I shook my head.

"Ashely text me and told me you guys went to a party at Alec's and I just needed to see if she was alright. Her and alcohol don't mix." He said.

"First off why can't you text her instead of Ashley and second how do you know if she can or can not handle herself." I snapped.

"Because this is Riley we are talking about." He said annoyed.

"Well if you were so worried about her why didn't you go to the party with her?" I asked and I knew the answer.

"Because I had work."

"Yeah sure." I scoffed.

He sighed loudly and then asked," Do you know where she is or not?"

"Not really." I said.

"What's that suppose to mean?" He asked.

"It means I'm not hundred percent sure where she is." I growled.

"Well where would she be if she's not at her house or here." He asked very angrily.

"Think your her boyfriend your suppose to know these things." I said and to this point I was basically stalling.

He looked at me like I was hiding something and I had to look away.

"Ok Chevy don't lie, what are you hiding?" He asked I knew he was on to me.

"Nothing!" I tried.

"Chevy your a terrible lier." He said.

I was fed up with this and so I hit him with the door and closed it locking so he wouldn't come in.

"Damn it Chevy!" he said with a groan.

Then I heard footsteps and a car pulling away. I sigh and sink into the floor.

"Riley what have you done?" I asked myself.

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