Chapter Three

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When I was done being a jerk we put on our shoes and headed out. The sun was just going down, spraying out orange and yellow rays across the yard. The further we got to the pasture the better I was feeling. Not to mention the nicotine running through my veins. I took in deep breath.

"Want to race?" I asked Riley. She looked at me then to her boots, "I can't run in boots."

"Oh come on." I said and then I took off, not waiting for her. In a flash she was ahead of me, she was always the faster running out of us but I could most defiantly cook better.

I was out of breath, and my legs were tired, but we made it to the pasture. The big black gelding seen me and whickered to me. A smile forced it's way to my face. He trotted over to the fence and I rub his forehead, as he breathed softly on my heart, making it flutter.

"I'm guessing you like him." Riley asked out of breath also.

"I love him." I whispered looking into his large brown eyes.

"I wonder if he has ever been ridden before?" Riley asked longing over the large black gelding.

"Me too." I said, feeling hope brighten my mood. If he does ride, I could, maybe ride him. He is most defiantly strong enough to carry me. You could plainly see this horse was taken care of. Maybe even a little to much. A good work out would do him some good.

Riley and I stood out there watching the horses and goofing off, until 3 in the morning when finally it was getting cold.

We went to the house, my mother and her boyfriend was already in bed, and so I turned on a movie for Riley and I and we laid down on the couches and I was surprise to find that my eyes closed way before Riley's did.


The next morning I woke up to something poking me in the face. I wake up to find Riley and Daniel stabbing me with a toy gun.

"What are you going?" I asked, a smile on my face.

"Let's go see our ponies." Riley said.

"I I want to see the ponies." Daniel said, and I smiled at him. "Let me wake up." I said sleepily. Riley nodded and bounded off to the kitchen with Daniel at her heels.

I sat up and rub sleep from my eyes. My mother was still in the bed, and her boyfriend at work. I slowly rose to my feet and went to the bathroom. I slashed water on my face, and then used a dirt crushed toile because my mom doesn't know how to do the laundry.

"I'll have to start on that." I said to myself. I pulled up my hair into a messy bun and then walked into the kitchen. Riley had made herself some oatmeal, and was now piling on the butter and sugar.

"Your going to die of diabetes on day." I commented to her.

"Oh well." She shrugged and continued to pour on the sugar. I rolled my eyes and grab a apple from the frig. We ate in silence, Daniel had went outside with the neighbor's kids so we were alone. Technically.

"I wonder if Frank will let you ride the big gelding." Riley suggested finishing off her oatmeal. I stared at my apple core, "Maybe." I said.

Last time I got on a horse, I couldn't pull my self up, and the horse could just barely carry my weight. The one thing I finally found to enjoy and my stupid weight ruined it. But Riley thinks other wise, she is almost curtain that this horse can hold me.

I could feel the doubt already eating its way at me heart. Like a stupid nat that won't go away. So I rather lazily got to my feet and went to get dress. I threw on some jeans, and a bright pink, yellow and orange tank top. I pulled on my socks and boots just as Riley was brushing out her short layered jet black hair. She wore a tight strap brown tank top, and short shorts with leggings underneath them. Her tan skin was really golden today.

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