Chapter 1 - New life

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-Big T
-Big Man
-Tommy Danger Kraken Innit

Has found out at breakfast he had been finally adopted! By a 32 years old Man and now has 2 Older brothers. His only reason he dosent want to leave is because his two bestfriends, who has been with him since he got here. He didnt want to leave them behind after all the memories they made together.

The Sun began to shine behind the houses, shine trough the furtains into the Dark bedroom. There was 2 other people with Tommy in his room. And those werent his bestfriends. Other than those two he just couldnt make any friends. People he has fun with, never talked to him after a day or two.

It was routine in Tommy to wake up early so they can sit where they want to or just hang out. Tommy rose from the bed's sheets slowly, quietly walking over to the pair of clothes he put out last Night. He went into the bedroom to change. He brushed his teeth and quietly walked out of the room. He started speed walking over to the stairs.

"Ranboob!" Tommy shouted quietly.

"Dont call Me that.." Ranboo said in a dissapointed voice. "Good Morning to you too Tommy." He ended his sentence.

"Good morning." Tommy opened. "Is Tubbo still not here?" he asked as the Last one of the three wasnt with them.

"He was here but he had to use the toilet." The taller one explained to the blonde pointing the way the oldest went. Tommy leaned onto the Wall and let it Take all his Weight.

A few minutes later the other had finally joined them running when he realized the blonde curly hair finally out of the wall's cover.

" 'Morning Tommy!" the Last one of the trio has finally arrived. A smile came across the blonde's face as soon as he recognized the Voice. The other snapping their face like the blonde towards the Voice.

"Tubbo! Good morning!" Tommy greeted then continued. "Late, eh?" he teased. Tubbo scoffed.

" 'Late'. Yeah right." he said. "I had to use the restroom, BUT YOU overslept multiple times. I'm late once and not because of oversleeping like YOU." he said smiling at the blonde as he started to shut his mouth.

A sigh was heard and two heads turned the same way.

"You guys still wanna go down to the cafeteria or you're gonna stay talking here?" the taller said with a disinterested voice but you could here the smile behind it.

After that the three raced down to the cafeteria even though they got in trouble because of this before. People were pissed off at them eveytime they did this but they had fun and they only had eachother.

Like Tommy, Ranboo and Tubbo made friends very hard.

Ranboo was the wierd guy because he always wore a mask at all times. Sometimes even glasses. Only Tommy, Tubbo and the people who work there know the actual reason as Ranboo isn't willing to share any other kids as a Lot of them disrespected him a lot before.

Tubbo just didn't understand why people were running away from him when he had a few Bees in his palm when he was around 7. The ones who work there always told him to not do that to Bees because he might hurt them and don't take them near the other kids. Years later when Tubbo was around 12 people always asked for his homework or asked him to help them if there was any kind of quiz, test or QnAs a day or class before. Tubbo was a nice and innocent kid so he helped them out.

For Tommy people who had fun with him on their "louder" days, they left him when they were on their "calm" days and didn't like him being loud. Tommy just left them because he always said 'They just don't know what's fun. Boring pricks.' So he didn't really bother himself with them. He had Tubbo and Ranboo on day One anyways. He didn't need any one other than them!

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