Chapter 4 - Look alikes

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As Tommy was making a Run for the front door he noticed that he could look back and see his.. New family.

As fast as this thought went trough his mind it left.

He didn't want spoil everything for himself BY himself. So he continued to Run for the front door.

As he left the building, shutting the door back to it's original place he didnt see anyone. Tubbo and Ranboo werent here anymore. So was BBH. He went down the stairs just so he could make sure nobody was here. And there really wasnt! 'Ranboo and Tubbo's probably in the building already or something.' How did he not notice them though?

He started walking the left side of the building to go around and check if Mr. Bad was there. Or even Tubbo or Ranboo!

As he was got behind the building he still didn't find anyone. So he started to search every little place they could've go or hide. 'Why would they hide though??" he then shrugged when he remembered that Bad could be at the flower garden cause he always looked for Tommy there! So Tommy started to walk the way of the flower garden. It was kinda hidden but when it got out of cover he saw Bad. So he was right! A little grin appeared on his face but hid it when he heard his name.

"Tommy!" it was Bad calling him. Tommy walked closer. "You're here! I was looking for you. I thought you would be with Tubbo and Ranboo but you weren't." 'So he bumped into them?' he thought for a Second then looked up at Bad again. "It doesn't matter, what matters is that i found you." so he was looking for him. Probably about the meeting. "Your family is here." told you.

"Isn't that in 2 hours tough?" Tommy asked. It wouldn't make sense. Why come here 2 hours earlier before the meet. It's just waisting your time.

"I wanted to talk to them." short answer but after a 'you don't say?' stare Tommy shighed looked at the prime statue and back at BBH.

"Where's Tubbo and Ranboo?" he asked after a moment of silence. He wanted to know. He had to know.

"They're in their rooms like the others so don't worry about them." Tommy rolled his eyes then the silence hit them again. After what felt like an hour Bad spoke again. "You should go get ready for Your meeting too." Tommy nodded and a Second of silence later, once again, he started to leave when "Also are you okay?" he looked back looking confused. "Tubbo stormed out of the room dragging you and Ranboo running after. I couldn't check on you guys because we had to keep the other kids in the room so they won't be everywhere and you could rest a Little Bit too." as he explained Tommy turned his whole body around to see a worried face from the taller man.

"I'm alright Mr. Bad. I just needed fresh air is all!" he got the converstation short and fast. He wanted to talk to Ranboo and Tubbo. "I'll be leaving now to get ready!" Tommy waved, Bad nodded and waved back as Tommy ran as fast as he could.

When he got to the stairs he was out of breath so he stopped for a split second to catch his breath and after that split second he opened the door. He slowed down this time though so he won't cough his lungs out. He turned to the stairs and started walking upstairs. He wanted to talk to Tubbo and Ranboo but he also had to change. And what did he choose?

He goes to his friends. He got two more hours anyways. And Bad didn't told him he cannot got to their room. So he walked up the stairs and after a Few minutes what felt like torture he was finally at his friends' room's door, ready to knock. He took one last breath.


Me and Ranboo were in our room after Mr. Skeppy told us that's where everyone else went. I was always really happy we didn't had another roommate but was really mad when Tommy couldn't be our roommate.

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