Chapter 7 - Tense

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Tommy's morning was disturbed with a Back pain and small shouts. As he finally gained the ability to see through his still in bed eyes he was suprised he wasn't on the floor anymore. He was laying on Tubbo's bed with Tubbo himself sitting at the Edge of the bed. He seemed tense. As soon as Tommy sat up eight pair of eyes was on him.

Eight. Tubbo, sitting on the Edge of his bed Tommy took away from him. Ranboo on the other side of the room, his back towards the Wall. Infront of Ranboo stood Mr.Sam, who indeed didn't look pleased at the moment. At the Door was Mr.Skeppy with crossed arms.

Tommy sat beside Tubbo and regeted waking up when Sam turned around to face him.

"What are you doing here?!" Sam said as he took a step closer to Tommy before freezing in place. "Do you know how much Phil was worried when he woke up and you were gone?" he raised his voice a bit. "And his car too? How do you know how to drive a car?!" he seemed tense and uncomfortable with the situation. Tommy took a look at Tubbo before turning to the speaking Skeppy.

"Why did you come Back Tommy?" he asked looking out the window before staring down at his foot.

"Did something happen?" Ranboo spoke quietly from the other side of the room. After almost a minute of silence, Tommy finally took a Deep breath before talking.

"I- I wanted to be with Tubbo and Ranboo.." he said quietly as he took a glance over at Tubbo, sending him a small smile before dropping it as soon as Sam spoke.

"Tommy- that's the worst excuse ever. You know that right?" not even taking a single breath he Sam spoke again. "You weren't even seperated for a single day. This- this was really stupid of you Tommy!" he shot Tommy an angry look, sighing he glanced at Skeppy who knew what he meant.

Skeppy turned around to open the door to a face Tommy memorized way too faster than he had expected he would.

"Tommy! What were you thinking?" he raised his voice slightly, walking towards the blonde before stopping when the boy spoke.

"I wanted to be with Tubbo and Ranboo, Phil." he said rolling his eyes as he said this for the hundredth time.

"You took my Car in the middle of the Night!" Phil exclaimed, stress almost leaving his body. "You could've asked me!" Phil said for the Last time before turning to Ranboo and Tubbo. The two boys gave the Older man deadly stares.

Minutes of deadl silence one of the sic man decided to break it.

"I Don't wanna be rude but I think it's gonna be better if we leave." Skeppy spoke gesturing to Sam. Phil and Sam shared a look.

"You're right. We'll be right down the Hall." Sam spoke as he walked out the door with Skeppy, the Last of them closing the door softly.

Silence sat in again until Phil out his hand out towards Tommy.

"We should go Home too Tommy." he said glancing at the door before realizing how Tubbo slowly stood up instead of Tommy.

"Could I have a Word with them?" Tommy asked as he also stood up stepping forward. As soon Phil nodded he was closing the door of the room.

For a Second or two the trio stood infront of eachother.


We were sitting in the car for almost ten minutes when Wilbur broke and couldn't shut up.

"Are you sure we shouldn't go in?" he kept asking me the same aquestions for minutes now and I had enough of it.

"Wilbur, if you dont't shut up i'm gonna kick you out the car and only go Home with Tommy and Phil." I said making Wilbur shut up. He still looked tense but atleast I could do my work on my phone now without being disturbed every 15 seconds.

The orphanage looked like every other. Nothing new in the looks of it, nothing less. I Got lost in my own thoughts, only being brought back to reality when I heard the car's door shut. I glanced around but no more people in the car, only less.

I jumped out the car and shouted despite it was 6 in the morning on a Friday.

"Wil! What are you even planning to do?!" I asked as I saw my brother on stairs of the building.

When I saw him moving again I rangot over to him but he was already inside.

"Don't try to do anything stupid Wil! We don't even know where they are at the moment! They could be everywhere!" I tried dragging him backwards but he never stopped walking.

"Well then we gotta find them as soon as possible." he took a glance back to me before running up the stairs, skipping some of them, never stopping.

"Perhaps Phil told you something I Don't know about?" I asked never reciving an answer.


We talked for a bit after Phil left the room. We said 'goodbye' and a 'see you later' to Tommy when he also left the room. Although Tubbo decided to spy on them. More specifically Phil. To me Phil seemed nice but Tubbo always said he gave him off vibes.

As they were walking down the stairs Phil tried asking Tommy why would he just take the car away instead of asking him. Half way Down two other man rangot into them. Tommy seemed to know them so I supposed they were his brothers.

They made sure Tommy was okay before keeping on walking. Before I could even say a Word to Tubbo he was already on his way again. I kind of Gave up and was about to go back to our room when I heard Tommy shout. I ran beside Tubbo, trying to get a clue.


"I just wanted to meet my friends! I was never seperated from them. So when you guys were asleep I Got the car keys and drove over here. Is that so hard to understand?" Tommy randomly had a headache and the repeating questions weren't helping it.

"You're 15, you're not allowed to drive yet Tommy!" Wilbur said as he was still checking Tommy for any kind of injuries he could be hiding.

"I know! I know!" Tommy sighed. The headache was getting worse he didn't had the energy to argue at the moment. "Let's just go home." after that Tubbo and Ranboo left too.

Tommy felt like sh!t and it wasn't planning on disappearing.


Word count: 1139

Hope you enjoyed! :)


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